Acacia Confronts Venus on Love Triangle with B.U

The women didn’t spend any time in the Garden hashing out their issues in the wee hours of the morning. Acacia convened the meeting and informed Venus that their friendship is presently strained due to her actions. Venus getting close to B.U. after she informed her she has a crush on him makes her feel deceived. While she has chosen to keep her distance from both B.U. and Venus for the sake of peace, she has expressed her displeasure with the tension between them.

Although Acacia wishes to continue talking to Venus, she believes she will be more cautious around her because their trust issues will constantly arise.

Venus, on the other hand, had a different take on the conversation. Venus said she imagined Acacia’s emotions for B.U were simply a lighthearted infatuation with nothing behind the surface and didn’t realize she was this into him. She told Acacia that she would have taken a step back if she had realized how much she liked him. The conversation may have concluded with emotional apologies, but B.U. is still on the hunt for Venus.

She’s insisted on setting up barriers between them as a precautionary measure, so they don’t speed through the wooing process. Early on in the program, things became complex as B.U. began to develop affections for Venus while flirting with Acacia and Yoli. When he initially declared his affections for her, Venus poked fun at him, and she was concerned that his behaviour was not that of a serious person looking for love.

Our resident entanglement whisperer, Themba, has a role in either creating or scattering fledgling ships across the House. A few Housemates have sought his counsel on ships in the House because to his ability for frank and honest chats. Whether by strategy or not, he has some influence on how the Housemates handle their love interests. This can be seen in his advise to Thato regarding Tulz and Nale, as well as his advice to Acacia regarding Venus and B.U.

While he gives the most fascinating shipping suggestions, we’re not sure Acacia will be able to ignore her love for B.U.

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