I Regret Getting Involved with Prince – Tolanibaj

Tolanibaj, a former BBNaija housemate, revealed her most regrettable experience in the BBNaija house during the 2021 Reunion show.

The BBNaija reunion show is still airing, and each day, it becomes more fun, interesting, and tense as former housemates reveal information that the viewers were unaware of.

According to Tolanibaj, she has been subjected to numerous social media attacks as a result of her involvement with Prince during her stay in the house.

Tolanibaj Reunion

She stated that this is due to the fact that people believe she is desperate and looking for a man.

Tolanibaj also disclosed on the reunion show that she used Neo to make Prince jealous because she didn’t think he was man enough.

In the house, Prince and Tolanibaj had a romantic relationship, as readers will recall. Their relationship was strained at one point due to Tolanibaj’s complaints that Prince was not publicly expressing his love for her.

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