I Have Decided to Respect Her Space – Dotun Talks About Daniella

Dotun has made the decision to abstain from showing Daniella any affection. He conveyed this, as well as the rationale for it, to Bella and Sheggz this morning.

During breakfast, Dotun told Bella and Sheggz that he would be giving Daniella some space. He made it abundantly apparent that it was critical to avoid receiving mixed signals. He expressed his anger with her refusal to be in a ship with him, since she appeared to reject any desire while making intimate requests such as requesting a kiss. Dotun went on to remark that Daniella possesses the qualities he looks for in a mate, which is why her ambiguous position may be bothering him.

Although Bella and Sheggz supported the action, Bella voiced concern that Dotun might not follow through on his promise and would instead pursue Daniella. Dotun, on the other hand, argues that he won’t completely ignore Daniella because theyve already tried that and it didn’t work, but he will be careful not to put his emotions on the line as he has in the past.

Bella and Sheggz both agreed that Daniella shouldn’t be concerned about Khalid because he could have had other relationships outside of the House. They agreed with Dotun, however, that taking a step back will help Daniella and Dotun comprehend what they actually desire.

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