Ozee Makes a Hint into Kellyrae and Kassia’s Relationship
Ozee Makes a Hint into Kellyrae and Kassia’s Relationship
Ozee recently opened up about his interactions with fellow housemate Kelly, stating that despite insulting Kelly for the past 8-9 weeks, Kelly never seemed to take it personally. However, Ozee noted a sudden shift when a similar comment was made about Kelly’s partner, Kassia. This time, Kelly took serious offense and reacted strongly, showing just how protective he is when it comes to Kassia.
Ozee remarked that while Kelly is able to brush off casual banter between the guys, anything directed at Kassia is a different story. “It’s clear,“ Ozee said with a laugh, “Kelly can handle the guy-to-guy cruise, but when it comes to Kassia, he won’t tolerate any disrespect.”
This moment highlighted Kelly’s deep sense of respect and loyalty towards his partner, unwilling to let any slight against her go unnoticed.
Cause they are married
As a responsible man he is