BBNaija Day 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,…90 Highlight Season 8 2023 – BBN Latest News Update

As the 2023 Big Brother Naija (BBNaija) season 8 All Stars reality show commences, we have made this post to give you a daily highlights of events that happened in the Big Brother Naija house.


Week 5

BBNaija 2022 Day 35 – Highlight August 27

  • I don’t see it going anywhere,” said Amaka – “The only one I can put my money on is Bella and Sheggz, they truly like each other,” said Doyin as she and discuss the ships in the House and reckon that their connection will not last outside of the House.
  • “People in my Level will be shocked,” says Deji – Deji and Modella discuss being fake Housemates in the presence of their fellow Housemates.
  • “I nearly broke down from stress,” says Chomzy about being HoH – Housemates start a mock interview as they carry out their cleaning chores for Hypo disinfect day.

BBNaija 2022 Day 34 – Highlight August 26

  • Biggie addresses Housemates’ food war – “Sheggz and Bella go to the kitchen to cook things. Food go dey miss,” said Adekunle as he and the Level 2 Housemates try to get to the bottom of the food issue in the House. This was after Big Brother reprimanded the Level 1 Housemates for being entitled to food that they did not labour to buy.
  • Level Up’s first Arena Games – The BBNaija Level Up House had its first Arena Games for the season but it wasn’t as easy as the HMs thought it would be.
  • “Together but not official,” Deji – Deji explained his relationship stance to Chichi, stating that although he is talking less with the other Level Up ladies, he and Chichi are not official.
  • Adekunle gists about his fellow Housemates – Adekunle and Diana bonded in the Garden and shared their opinions about Housemates including Bella, Sheggz, Giddyfia and Rachel.
  • Bella attacks Adekunle for hiding fish – While the Level Up Housemates were preparing for the Wager Task Presentation, Bella and Sheggz accused Adekunle of hiding food.
  • Eloswag is still in the friend zone – After a wild night at the Pool Party, Eloswag sits down to discuss his feelings and Chomzy’s plans for their relationship.
  • Amaka and Bryann exchange words – “Allow this girl to shout,” Bryann says to Amaka in a heated argument.
  • The Merged Pool Party vibes – The Level Up Housemates had their first Pool Party as one House. It was truly eventful.

BBNaija 2022 Day 33 – Highlight August 25

  • “Anytime I need the vibe,” by team Smooth – A Smooth win for Bryann, Chomzy, Deji, Dotun and Phyna.
  • “Anger is a bad thing,” says Doyin about Hermes – “He’s a very sweet person, it’s just that he has a side to him that is unnecessarily dramatic,” says Doyin as she analyses Hermes’ personality.
  • Chichi gets her punishment – The Level Up Housemates spent the day perfecting their Wager Task while Chichi got her punishment. For her punishment, Chichi is to repeatedly write the sentence: I will never destroy the property of my fellow Housemates.
  • Food woes in the merged House – Sheggz erupted an argument about plantain coming out of bedrooms, people hiding food and others eating too much.
  • Phyna and Groovy set their Party rules – Phyna and Groovy discussed what they can and cannot do with their fellow Housemates of the opposite gender at the Pool Party.
  • Diana and Amaka gist about Giddyfia – After calling it a day with Giddyfia, Diana and Amaka have a good laugh about him in a bonding session.
  • Amaka and Giddyfia talk about their ship – Four days into living in a merged House, Amaka finally settles things with Giddyfia after being caught in a web of love.
  • Daniella wins a unique Task – o continue the winning streak for the Level Up ladies, Daniella took the win as Housemates participated in a Task where they competed as teams and then against each other.
  • Amaka and Diana’s unbreakable bond – “The most important thing is our friendship,” Amaka to Diana, as they try to ensure they are on good terms.

BBNaija 2022 Day 32 – Highlight August 24

  • Amaka and Diana’s unbreakable bond – “The most important thing is our friendship,” Amaka to Diana, as they try to ensure they are on good terms.
  • The Level Up Housemates discuss Chomzy – In today’s Diary sessions with Biggie, The Level Up Housemates discuss their new HoH Chomzy, her leadership style, and friendships.
  • Adekunle anaylses Housemates – “I don’t have the energy to get mad at anybody for anything” said Adekunle as he reflected on the fights in the House.
  • “I like you,” said Chichi to Diana – Diana and Chichi clear the air between the both of them after the intense blowout they had on Sunday night. Chichi was punished by Biggie for provoking and goading Diana during their argument.
  • “I tried o,” said Giddyfia about Diana – “I like Diana, obviously now,” Giddyfia told Doyin and Dotun when explaining his and Diana’s dynamic.
  • “Abeg, leave Dotun for me o,” declared Daniella – Dotun and Daniella take a walk down memory lane to when they first met as she admitted to telling Amaka that she’s interested in him. Meanwhile, Diana and Rachel make up.

BBNaija 2022 Day 31 – Highlight August 23

  • Adekunle defends Chomzy on the gist issue – Adekunle, Rachel and Eloswag discuss the issue of the gossip that trickled down to Chomzy, identifying who the instigator was, and who was in the wrong.
  • Wager Task prep leaves Diana in tears – With an interest in venturing into the beauty business, Diana is upset that her former Level 1 Housemates did not support her when they were brainstorming for the Wager Task.
  • Housemates share opinions of each other – In today’s Diary Sessions, Biggie asked the Housemates how they feel about their fellow Housemates, and how relationships have changed since the Houses merged.
  • Phyna and Sheggz exchange words – While preparing for this week’s Wager Task Presentation, Phyna and Sheggz have an argument about Phyna’s idea.
  • Former Level 1 Housemates speak on Allysyn – Chomzy, Diana, Eloswag, and Adekunle discuss fellow Housemate, Allysyn and her relationships in the House.
  • Adekunle and Doyin discuss Diana – After Diana’s altercation with Rachel over Giddyfia, Doyin shares her concerns about Diana.

BBNaija 2022 Day 30 – Highlight August 22

  • All HMs up for possible Eviction – The merged House took part in their first Nomination today. However, Biggie decided to put all the HMs up for possible Eviction because of their bad attitude. Note: There will be no Evictions this Sunday but the Housemates do not know this.
  • Chichi receives strong warning – Chichi gets a strong warning from Biggie over her behaviour towards Diana when they had a disagreement.
  • Chomzy wins HoH crown – In a historic move, Chomzy emerged the first female HoH for the Level Up season after an intense challenge that had 2 rounds.
  • Amaka confirms spilling the tea – Amaka speaks with Chomzy about the conversation she had with Chichi where she confirmed the relationship between Phyna and Groovy.
  • Chizzy shoots his shot with Chomzy – An isolated and upset Chomzy was cheered up by Chizzy’s advances, calling her a fine girl and a type of girl he would approach outside the House.
  • Phyna confronts the girls about the ‘intimacy’ rumour – All hell broke loose when Phyna tried to get to the bottom of the rumour that she and Groovy have been intimate. In the aftermath, Bella confronted Chomzy and called her a bad friend.
  • “Are you mad?” Chichi faces off with Diana – A display of aggression that left Diana crying took place in the House yesterday as Chichi insulted Diana
  • Amaka and Diana clarify the Giddyfia issue – Amaka openly asked Diana for some clarity when it comes to their man, Giddyfia.

Week 4

BBNaija 2022 Day 28 – Highlight August 20

  • Amaka tells Phyna that Giddyfia kissed her – “I asked him, is he high, shebi he just kissed me,” Amaka tells Phyna during their girl talk.
  • Doyin’s opinion about Chichi and Bella – Doyin reckons Chichi and Bella are two women that don’t know who they are, where they come from and don’t know how to present themselves.
  • Groovy and Phyna, a hot topic in Level 2 – Daniella, Kess and Bryann have something to say about Groovy with the ladies, and Phyna’s behaviour in the House.
  • Adekunle and Diana gist – Diana and Adekunle share a conversation about relationships in and outsdie of the House, and Diana expresses her dislike of Giddyfia and Rachel’s closeness.
  • Deji and Daniella get acquainted – New Level 2 Housemate Deji had a chilled morning with Daniella chatting about her recent connection with a lady in Level 1, leaving Daniella to guess who he is talking about.
  • Amaka comforts Phyna – Amaka consoles Phyna as she was saddened by Groovy’s switch to the Level 1 House. Phyna in response spoke about Groovy in a loving manner and reflected on how he would act whenever they ate together.
  • Chichi, Bella and Sheggz advice Chomzy – Bella, Chichi and Sheggz advice Chomzy over her apparent crush on Groovy. Chichi tells Chomzy not to have anything to do with Groovy while Sheggz thinks she should check him out and see how things go.

BBNaija 2022 Day 27 – Highlight August 19

  • Deji and Groovy switch levels – Biggie surprises the Level Up Housemates by switching Groovy and Deji between the two Levels in a Twist that leaves the Housemates shocked.
  • Eloswag tries to rally the troops – After losing yet another Wager Task, HoH Eloswag tries his level best to give his level 1 housemates a pep talk to lift their spirits.
  • Allysyn and Hermes discuss polyamory – While in bed, Allysyn sets boundaries and shuns Hermes’ pleas for her to consider being in an open relationship.
  • Week 4 Wager Task – Week Wager Task based around Afrofuturism – Level 2 won once again
  • Daniella clears the air on the ‘lost’ condoms – “Me, Daniella Peters, I was not in any condom worth experience,” Daniella assures her fellow Level 2 Housemates as they question her about the missing condoms.
  • Adekunle and Chichi have a clash – Deji’s switch from Level 1 to Level 2 is causing a stir.

BBNaija 2022 Day 26 – Highlight August 18

  • Level Up Housemates have a post-game recap – Housemates discuss what happened during the Task, and Groovy and Phyna fight about Phyna supporting Hermes and not him.
  • Team Free Pods Win Oraimo Task – Once again, the Level Up Housemates met up in the Arena to participate in a lucky dip Game, splitting themselves into four teams to showcase their general knowledge, memory, speed, and sporting skills.

BBNaija 2022 Day 25 – Highlight August 17

  • Amaka and Groovy win Aquafina Task – Housemates showcased their sensitive side during their Task presentation today and Level 2’s Groovy and Amaka came out tops.
  • Khalid’s Eviction shocks Level 1 – During their Diary Session, the Level Housemates had the same sentiments over Khalid’s Eviction. They also shared with Biggie how their Task preparations are going.
  • A tense Diary Session for Level 1 – During their Diary Sessions, Level 1 Housemates defined Afrofuturism to Biggie and chose two Housemates each to go into Level 2.
  • Doyin and Dotun iron things out – Dotun apologises to Doyin over his attitude towards her after they failed a Task
  • Chichi opens up to Deji – Chichi opens up to Deji about her life outside the House and the issues her father had faced before he passed on.
  • Sheggz tells his side of the story – Doyin chats with Sheggz about his fight with Adekunle and how it started. Doyin told him she did not see it coming while Sheggz goes on to explain the reason why he believes the fight happened.

BBNaija 2022 Day 24 – Highlight August 16

  • Adekunle and Sheggz have a heated brawl – Following their past grievances, Adekunle and Sheggz finally confront each other, almost leading to a physical fight.
  • Fluttering across obstacles – Courtesy of Flutterwave, a Nigerian fintech company, both Level 1 and Level 2 Housemates competed in an obstacle relay game where team members played different roles to complete the obstacle course.

BBNaija 2022 Day 23 – Highlight August 15

  • Chomzy frustrates Allysyn over Adekunle – After Chomzy shares how Allysyn is confused about her relationship with Adekunle, Allysyn confronts her and shares her frustration with Diana.
  • Eloswag wins the HoH Games – Level 1 Housemate Eloswag keeps the title in his House once more as he wins in assembling a jigsaw puzzle and counting sticks.
  • It’s all about the future – The Level Up Housemates have gotten their Wager Task for the week and it’s all about Afrofuturism. The theme for the week is centred around physical science, the digital space, aliens and science fiction.
  • Hermes’ musical rendition – Hermes gets into a little musical mood and goes on to drag his fellow Housemates with a playful musical rendition.
  • Amaka and Phyna iron out their issues – After an argument that involved Groovy, Amaka and Phyna have a sit down to resolve their issues.
  • Allysyn and Doyin chat about Adekunle – Adekunle confides in Doyin about his hopes to rekindle his friendship with Allysyn then she decides to have a girl chat with her to discuss their relationship going forward.
  • Deji tells Doyin she is a hypocrite – “It’s you and your friends who are hypocrites, apart from me because I am not your friend,” Doing told Deji after he told her how she was when she was drunk.
  • “Don’t talk to me anyhow,” Eloswag to Chichi – Eloswag gets into a spat with Chichi fresh off his HoH win. He then discusses this with Adekunle who counsels him to try and understand her character better to avoid future misunderstandings.
  • Eloswag Nominates five Level 2 Housemates – As the new HoH, Eloswag Nominated Amaka, Daniella, Groovy, Kess amd Pharmsavi for possible Eviction.

Week 3

BBNaija 2022 Day 22 – Highlight August 14

  • “It’s serious,” said Khalid – Following his Eviction from the Level Up House, Khalid told Ebuka that while his ship with Daniella caught him off guard, what they share is real.
  • Ebuka crosses into both Levels – Adekunle tells Ebuka that he thinks Sheggz and Bella are a strategy. Meanwhile, Allysyn claims that she and Adekunle are now friends. While in Level 2, Ebuka probed Bryann about his fluctuating affections for Ilebaye. Daniella claimed that being with Khalid is not a strategy.
  • Ilebaye’s Big Brother Naija journey ends – Ilebaye showed us what a true Gen-Z is about. She killed it on the dance floor every Saturday, didn’t get to start drama but was sure to serve it hot, hot if someone tried her. She also got a lot of guys ready to offer her massages.
  • Khalid’s Big Brother Naija journey ends – Making moves silently in his corner, Khalid stole Danilla’s heart and they have been tied to each other’s hips ever since. Always keeping his cool, Khalid made it a point to stay away from conflict, especially with the ladies. Should he be Evicted, he notes that he’ll miss Daniella the most.

Daniella recalls bathroom problem – While speaking about bathroom manners in the House, Daniella recalls an episode with Bryann that apparently left a bad taste in her mouth.

Ilebaye speaks on party drama – Ilebaye explains to Groovy, Kess and Bryann about her encounter with Chichi at the #BBNaija Saturday Night Party and why she took the actions that angered Chichi.

Chichi explains the party drama – After a bit of drama in the Party Room between Chichi and Ilebaye, Chichi took a funny approach to narrating her part of the ordeal to the Level 1 Housemates.

Chichi blows hot at Ilebaye – At the Saturday Night Party, Chichi was apparently pushed away from dancing with Groovy by Ilebay. This did not go well with her and she made sure her disgust was expressed.

BBNaija 2022 Day 21 – Highlight August 13

Hermes and Allysyn talk about their feelings – After getting Adekunle’s blessing, Hermes revisits a conversation he once had with Allysyn about the possibility of them being an item.

Groovy confides in Daniella about actually liking Chomzy – Groovy decides to confide in Daniella about him actually liking Chomzy while also talking about how he doesn’t want to betray his feelings

Another day, another Challenge in the Level Up House – Once again, Housemates gathered in the Arena for a sponsor Challenge by Munch It Nigeria, and Housemates were tested in many aspects, including their knowledge of music, movies and creativity.

Allysyn snubs Hermes – After playfully embracing Eloswag, Allysyn shuns Hermes, who seems to have a crush on her.

“I wanted you last night,” Sheggz tells Bella – “It’s the fact that you don’t do anything.” Sheggz calls Bella out for her lack of affection towards him and for not wanting to do the things that he wants to do.

Hermes tells Adekunle that he likes Allysyn – “I a guy that will be available for as long as I can,” Adekunle revealed the dynamic between him and Allysyn after Hermes expressed his interest in her.

Bryann opens his heart to Modella – “I want to be in your space, I want to touch you,” says Bryann to Modella as he shares his feelings for her.

BBNaija 2022 Day 20 – Highlight August 12

  • A sweet surprise – After a long day of preparing and taking part in the weekly Wager Task, The BBNaija Level Up Housemates get a sweet surprise from Johnnie Walker.
  • Post Task palava – The BBNaija Level Up Housemates had a lot to say about the Wager Task. The Level 1 Housemates feel Biggie pitied the Housemates while the Level 2 Housemates also criticised the Level 1 Housemates for not focusing on the Task.
  • The Gen-Z fashion Task – Friday night came with all the razzmatazz as the BBNaija Housemates pulled up all the stop in their Wager Task presentation
  • Deji and Chichi speak about Doyin’s attitude – Deji discusses with Chichi about his encounter with Doyin and why she has been acting funny towards him.
  • Ankara fashion showcase prep underway – The Level Up Housemates have been tasked with creating Ankara outfits with a Gen Z twist. They’re seen here getting up to a quick rehearsal in order to perfect their plans.
  • “I have a four-man ship,” Amaka to Phyna – Amaka admits to Phyna that she likes both Groovy and Giddyfia. She also adds that she doesn’t have any issues with the latter being friends with Groovy and would hate to have any man come between their friendship.
  • “I have a four-man ship,” Amaka to Phyna – Amaka admits to Phyna that she likes both Groovy and Giddyfia. She also adds that she doesn’t have any issues with the latter being friends with Groovy and would hate to have any man come between their friendship.
  • Things get hot and heavy during truth or dare – After their Pool Party, Level 1 Housemates played a game of truth and dare, and there was more daring than truths.

BBNaija 2022 Day 19 – Highlight August 11

  • Doyin drills Deji over his attitude – Doyin asks Deji if she is being stressful because she doesn’t find his reaction to her amusing in any way.
  • Diana queries Deji over his feelings – Diana drills Deji over who he likes in the House. He claims he only has lustful eyes for a few ladies but hasn’t seen anyone he has real affections for.
  • Bella and Sheggz get into it – Bell and Sheggz have a bit of an exchange as Sheggz believes she is a bit self-centred.
  • Kess flirts with Modella – “If you see something, can your body handle it?” Modella teases Kess with a mini fashion show of a see-through kimono.
  • “I no too feel am,” Deji to Dotun – Deji tells Dotun that he is not really feeling Chichi. He goes on to claim that there is another lady in the Leve1 House to whom he is genuinely attracted.
  • “Don’t provoke me,” Ilebaye to Daniella – Ilebaye and Daniella have a disagreement after completing part of the Quidax Task. Khalid steps in to calm his partner, sealing it with a kiss on the forehead.

BBNaija 2022 Day 18 – Highlight August 11

  • The Arla Task – The Level Up Housemates had a busy evening filled with a Tasking culinary showcase alongside the creation of Tasty meals.
  • The runway prep – Haunted by the ghost of previous losses, Level 2 Housemates are putting in work to make sure they kill it on the runway for the Friday Wager Task.
  • Little Miss Groovy – While the Housemates work on their Ankara materials in preparation for the Wager Task, Groovy adorns a wig and a lingerie to steal the spotlight.
  • Level 2 Housemates chat to Biggie – Sharing their fashion style and ideas on the new House, Level 2 Housemates go to the Diary Room for Diary Sessions two days before their Task Presentation.
  • Wig wearing and style expression in the Diary Room – Housemates had an opportunity to talk about what their sense of style is, and Nominated ones expressed how they feel about being on the Nomination block again.
  • Doyin and Adekunle iron out a misunderstanding – In a calmer state, Doyin asks for clarity about a comment Adekunle passed about her behaviour in the House earlier in the day.

BBNaija 2022 Day 17 – Highlight August 10

  • Level 1 Housemates spill the tea – The BBNaija Level 1 Housemates in their Diary Sessions took turns to let Biggie in on their feelings about their new home and fashion style.
  • Allysyn seeks advice on situationship – Diana and Doyin advise Allysyn on how to completely break up her situationship with Adekunle and how to proceed with her crush Deji.
  • Reflection on chronic Task loss – Kess, and a few of the Level 2 Housemates lament their recent losses after their latest Task leaves them shaken.

BBNaija 2022 Day 16 – Highlight August 9

  • Ilebaye and Bryann lock horns – Ilebaye and Bryann had a go at each other over Bryann’s perceived inability to be rational where Modella is involved.
  • Week 3 Wager Task – The Level Up Housemates get the Wager challenge for the week. The week’s theme is designed to celebrate, as well as showcase Nigeria’s cultural diversity and richness. The theme for the week is Fashion, Arts and Crafts.
  • Allysyn shares where she stands with Adekunle – Chatting to Diana, Allysyn explains how she currently feels about Adekunle, raising questions of whether or not they are on the same page regarding the nature of their relationship.

BBNaija 2022 Day 15 – Highlight August 8

  • Allysyn friendzones Adekunle
  • Allyson seeks advice on situationship

BBNaija 2022 Day 15 – Highlight August 8

  • Chomzy rebuffs Eloswag’s advances
  • Ilebaye and Bryann lock horns
  • Allysyn shares where she stands with Adekunle
  • Allysyn confirms attraction to Deji
  • Adekunle wins Head of House for week 3
  • Adekunle nominates Bryann, Groovy, Ilebaye, Khalid and Phyna for possible eviction in week 3
  • “You are a fool” Bryann to Ilebaye
  • Level 1 and 2 housemates switch houses

Week 2

BBNaija 2022 Day 14 – Highlight August 7

  • Chomzy causes a stir in level 2
  • Chomzy snubs Eloswag because of Phyna
  • Bryann shoots his shot at Modella
  • Level 2 housemates gossip about beauty
  • Beauty Disqualified from Big Brother Naija season 7
  • Cyph and Christy O evicted from the Big Brother Naija season 7
  • Ebuka introduces two new housemates “Riders” (Chizzy and Rachael)
  • Chomzy and Eloswag have a heart to heart conversation

BBNaija 2022 Day 13 – Highlight August 6

  • Doyin and Diana chat about the house dynamics
  • Hermes host a level 1 show
  • Housemates put their cultural skills to test
  • Bryann composes a new anthem for level 2
  • Level 2 housemates win Amazon task presentation
  • Doyin and Sheggs try to resolve their issues
  • Beauty and Groovy fight again

BBNaija 2022 Day 12 – Highlight August 5

  • Bryann want to get serious with Diana
  • Phyna wants Eloswag
  • Sheggs gets vulnerable with bella
  • Deji tells Doyin who he likes
  • Pharmasavi notices 2 condoms missing
  • Level 1 housemates win their first Weekly Wager task
  • Chomzy is disgusted by body count conversation
  • Bryann annoyed at level 2 wager loss

BBNaija 2022 Day 11 – Highlight August 4

  • Adekunle turn on the charm with allyson
  • Level 1 housemates discuss Groovy and Beauty
  • Eloswag yells at Chomzy
  • Amaka friendzone Pharmsavi
  • Level 2 housemates take their first pool party

BBNaija 2022 Day 10 – Highlight August 3

  • Christy O expresses disappointment
  • Level 1 housemates have chilled diary session
  • Level 1 ladies crush on Deji

BBNaija 2022 Day 9 Highlight August 2

  • Beauty and Ilebaye lock horns
  • Chichi opens up to Deji

BBNaija 2022 Day 8 Highlight August 1

  • Hermes Wins Head of House game for week 2
  • Deji and Chichi get acquainted
  • Hermes nominates Amaka, Christy O, Cyph, Khalid and Phina for Eviction in week 2

Week 1

BBNaija 2022 Day 7 Highlight July 31

  • Beauty Gets a strike from Big Brother
  • Ilebaye gets a warning from Big Brother
  • Ebuka introduces two fake housemates (Deji and Modella) introduced

BBNaija 2022 Day 6 Highlight July 30

  • Groovy and Beauty’s love turns sour
  • Chomzy unwittingly upsets Groovy and Beauty’s ship
  • The first Saturday night party

BBNaija 2022 Day 5 Highlight July 29

  • Adekunle notes his concern about sheggs
  • Beauty and Groovy flirt before task the presentation
  • Level 2 Housemates win the first weekly wager task
  • Level 1 housemates expressed disappointment in losing the weekly wager

BBNaija 2022 Day 5 Highlight July 29

  • The first Thursday night Pool Party
  • Pharmsavi and Phyna get cozy
  • Level 2 housemates win the cupcake Task
  • Doyin and Sheggs squash their beef

BBNaija 2022 Day 3 Highlight July 27

  • The first Diary session for level 1 housemates
  • Bryann plans to a Level 2 take over
  • Level 1 housemates receive their first task

BBNaija 2022 Day 2 Highlight July 26

  • The first Diary session for level 2 housemates

BBNaija 2022 Day 1 Highlight July 25

  • HoH Eloswag names housemates for possible Evictions
  • Eloswag wins HOH
  • Eloswag is the first HoH
  • Groovy refuses to kiss Beauty, things get tense

BBNaija 2022 Launch Day Highlight July 23 & 24

BBNaija host Ebuka kicked off the highly anticipated Season 7 double launch in grand style. 24 level up housemates introduced. See the housemates HERE.

BBNaija Launch

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4 years ago

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4 years ago

