BBNaija 2021 Love and Entanglements – Will the Ships in the House Sail or Sink?

On the BBNaija sea of love/entanglement, there are all kinds of ships, from cruise liner ships to buckets full of holes. We’d like you to tell us which ships are strong and which are adrift at sea.

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โ€œEmmaroseโ€ is probably the oldest vessel in this seasonโ€™s navy. Itโ€™s definitely a ship, but weโ€™re still waiting for the maiden voyage. Whatโ€™s the best description of Liquorose and Emmanuelโ€™s ship?

On again, off again โ€“ this ship has basically given us whiplash due to the number of times itโ€™s changed direction very quickly. From Angel swearing she would never speak to Sammie again, to her almost immediately sharing his bed, this ship is volatile.
What would you call Sammie and Angelโ€™s ship?

As one of the surprise Housemates to join the House, Queen was given the royal tour by Boma, who was then Head of House. Almost inseparable for the first few days, their ship seemed to hit the reef when Queen got angry with Boma for hanging out with other women in the House during a Saturday Night Party. Boma was not impressed with the implication that he was her property.
Whatโ€™s the best description for Boma and Queenโ€™s ship?

Saskay and Cross seem to be getting a little closer after they had a bit of a confrontation about her giving Jaypaul a massage. Cross told her that she wasnโ€™t giving him a real chance because she is under the impression that he is a "bad boy".
What kind of ship is Cross and Saskayโ€™s relationship?

According to Whitemoney, when Jackie B and Michael first met, he knew something was going to go wrong in the House and the two of them have already had a little bit of beef. This might seem like a bad reason to predict a relationship, but when emotions run that high that quickly, there might some fuel to that fire?
What describes Jackie B and Michaelโ€™s ship?

There hasnโ€™t been much here, but the two did discuss what they would bring to a ship, so depth soundings have been made, with Jackie B saying sheโ€™s fun and comes with a son, but that she can be stone cold when the situation calls for it.
How would you define Whitemoney and Jackie Bโ€™s ship?

The biggest โ€œwill they, wonโ€™t theyโ€ question of the Shine Ya Eye season, so far โ€“ there is no doubt that Saga and Nini have a real and meaningful connection, even if they do play it down with a fun court case about โ€œwho kissed whom?โ€
How would you describe Nini and Sagaโ€™s ship?

They say "a way to manโ€™s heart is through his stomach", and this can only be even more true for the Big Brother Naija kitchen minister, Whitemoney. He and Queen got a little handsy in the kitchen while she was frying plantain. Later, she brought him food โ€“ this seems like love!
What kind of sailing vessel is the Whitemoney and Queen ship?

Sammie sure has a knack for blowing it! First with Angel (maybe) and then with Peace. The two were getting nice and cosy, but Sammieโ€™s outburst to Angel during their moment together seems to have put Peace off. Is there a chance this potential ship could pick up some steam, again?
What kind of ship are Peace and Sammie?

In a very frank and open conversation, Michael told Nini that he would want to see her outside the House, and she did not decline. In fact, she told him that he could do whatever he wants in the House, and still come back to her, later โ€“ this is a woman who knows the game!
How would you describe the Michael and Nini ship?

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2 years ago

And tega cheating on her husband

2 years ago

Nini said she has a boyfriend
So it means she is cheating on her boyfriend

2 years ago

Saganini WE ARE THERE FOR YOU WE WAIT TO SEE OUR SHIP HATERS WILL FAINT #sani#sagangs#bb9ja#shineyaeye

Esnath Zimba
Esnath Zimba
2 years ago

Emmarose Emmarose Emmarose emmarose emmarose emmarose emmarose emmarose emmarose emmrose emmarose emmarose emmarose emmarose emmarose emmarose emmarose emmarose emmarose emmarose emmarose emmarose emmarose emmarose emmarose emmarose emmarose

2 years ago

Cross, angle,saskay en favourites

2 years ago

CrossKay, CrossKay, CrossKay, CrossKay, CrossKay, CrossKay, CrossKay, CrossKay, CrossKay, CrossKay, CrossKay , CrossKay, CrossKay, CrossKay

Thabelo Magadze
Thabelo Magadze
2 years ago

Cross cross cross cross cross cross cross cross cross cross cross cross cross cross cross cross cross cross cross cross cross cross cross cross cross cross cross cross cross cross cross cross cross cross cross cross cross cross cross cross cross cross cross cross cross cross cross cross cross cross cross cross cross cross cross cross cross cross cross cross cross cross
