BBNaija 2021 Week 6 Eviction Diary Session

Day 43 in Big Brother’s House saw a large Diary Room session as the Nominated Housemates reflected on their experience in the House with fifteen Housemates up for eviction.

Tonight’s Diary Room session was jam-packed, as a total of 15 Housemates are up for Nomination, and each of them needs to speak with Biggie individually. Many of the Housemates were keeping their cool in the face of the impending Live Eviction Show by turning to some other source of solace. Michael described himself as “feeling calm, feeling expectant, feeling open for surprises.” Whitemoney felt very similar. “I just feel calm. I feel grateful, as usual.”

Nini was one of those Housemates who felt less than totally zen with the situation. “I’m so nervous,” she said, “considering the fact that I might be going home, today. I don’t know if I’m ready for the outside world. I want to stay and play the game.”

When it came to whether or not they had any regrets, the Housemates were split into two factions. Whitemoney chuckled at the notion, claiming that he had no regrets. Nini stated that she had simply been herself and that she would make no changes. I don’t wallow in regret.” Saskay was similarly unapologetic. “Anything I’ve done or said,” she said, “has brought me right to this moment, and I think I’m absolutely fine with that.”

“Just being in the House is already a bonus,” said Cross. “’Regret’ is a strong word. In this life, everything that happens, happens for a reason.” He also listed living with so many people from different cultural backgrounds as a challenge. Queen concurred. “Trying to get along with everybody was a little bit of a challenge.” Tega said she was able to deal with the tensions in the House it because, “I overlook things a lot,” but she admitted that “being able to take those things could get hard.”

Liquorose said her main goal was “just making it into the House. Coming here.” Speaking about her feelings she said that she was “hoping for the best but prepared for the worst.” She went on to say that she had no regrets. “Hell, no! agreed Pere. “No regrets at all.”

Not everybody was that carefree, though. Boma regretted his outburst with Angel earlier in the week. “There are some things I said that I know are going to be misjudged. I probably should have done better.”

An interesting thing occurred at the end of Cross’ Diary Session. “There is no reason to your rules and your games,” he said, “that’s the only issue between me and you.” After a pause, Biggie told him that his Diary Session was over. “That’s it?” asked Cross, staring in disbelief. “Okay, then.” We’re not sure what Cross was expecting. Biggie is not in the habit of getting into debates about the rules in his House.

Michael apologised for ruining Big Brother’s wall. “I wish I could take that back. I apologise for that.” If Biggie has any intention of accepting the apology, he didn’t mention it. In a similar vein, Saga apologised for breaking a door frame. “I didn’t mean to. I know it’s against the rules.”

Reflecting on his time in the House, Yousef said that “the Big Brother House has made me stronger. It’s made me a better man. Free mind, free spirit.” As for his plans, he was hoping that his time on Big Brother would get him noticed in the modelling industry, putting him “on every billboard in Nigeria.”

“I’m still trying to learn how to handle failing,” said Angel.  “Of course, I don’t want to go, but – at the same time – if I go, I have learnt that it’s not because anybody here is better than me.”

Emmanuel told Biggie that he didn’t set any specific goals for himself in the House, but he seemed to contradict himself right after when he said that “he looks forward to getting to the finals, at least.”

Peace was made sure that Biggie knew that she had “NO REGRETS! I don’t do regrets, because I can’t change anything. Sometimes you need to make mistakes to learn how to do the next thing.”

After more than three hours of this, Big Brother could finally rest his signature voice, and send the Housemates on their way. All that remains now, is to find out which of these Housemates will be sent on their way.

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