Big Brother 23 Wildcard Competition for Houseguests
The βWildcard Competitionβ will air as part of Sunday programs this season, though presumably only for the first four weeks, corresponding with the Teams & Captains twist duration.
This latest twist is supposed to drop between the Head of Household competition and nominations, so keep an eye out for it over the following few Fridays, despite the fact that its first event appears to be happening this Thursday. According to Parade, Executive Producers Grodner and Meehan outlined how this twist will operate.
Each of the three nonimmune teams (those without the HoH) will nominate a contestant for the “Wildcard Competition.” Following that, the three people will compete in a competition with just one winner. That houseguest is safe (not their team). However, in keeping with the concept, their choice will come at a cost. If the winner chooses to take safety for the week, they will face a penalty that might harm them, their team, or the entire house.
That means that in the first week of Big Brother 23, one competitor from each of the Aces, Kings, and Queens (Jokers won HOH) will send in a nominated player, and whoever wins will be safe from eviction for the first week. However, only that one houseguest will receive the safety, not his or her entire team.
The three teams will be selected each week by who takes the safety in the HOH competition. There’s no indication yet on whether a Houseguest can compete in consecutive weeks of the competition or if it’s a one-and-done situation where someone else takes their place. Refresher on Knowing Your Teams
Meehan added it wonβt be a clean win either for this bonus immunity, ββ¦that safety will always come with a major risk/reward dilemma. So I may win safety, but how I attained that safety might make some people happy and might make some people very upset with me.β
Prepare for Wildcard spoilers from your Live Feeds each week, and we’ll post the results as soon as they’re available. Then watch Sunday’s episode (8/7c) to discover how the competition ended. More spoilers are on the way! For notifications throughout the summer, download our Big Brother App.