Big Brother 23 Wildcard Week 1 Results

We have Big Brother 23 spoilers for the new Wildcard game, which features three Houseguests battling for a second chance at safety.

After the Jokers won the first HOH with Frenchie, the entire team, including Azah Britini and Derek F., was declared safe for the week. That left the Aces, Kings, and Queens to fight it out, with Frenchie targeting one of the Bros we know will be in desperate need of some extra protection this week.

Each of the three “losing” teams from the HOH comp selected one Houseguest for the chance at safety. This week that included Christian for Kings, Kyland for Queens, and Hannah for Aces.

Big Brother 23 Week 1 ‘Wildcard’ Twist:

  • Christian won the Wildcard comp for safety
  • Christian picked Xavier for safety too

Frenchie is running out of options for his nominations and now it sounds like he’s shifting from Brent to focusing on Derek X. Go figure. Frenchie has been shifting a LOT so far in the past 24 hours so we may see things move again for him.

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