Ceec and Cross Clash Over Innoson Car

Ceec and Cross Clash Over Innoson Car

This morning, Ceec and Cross engaged in a fiery conversation stemming from yesterday’s task and Ceec’s recent Innoson car win. The tension from the previous day carried over as Cross confronted Ceec, seeking clarification on the matter. Ceec firmly stood her ground, insisting that there were two sides to the story. She passionately argued that she hadn’t occupied the same spot during all three rounds of the game and vehemently denied any ill intent towards Cross. Ceec defended her actions, emphasizing that she was always open to changing her approach and urged Cross to communicate his concerns rather than making assumptions.

Despite Cross’s attempts to clarify his perspective, he revealed that he had previously tried to convey his feelings about the spot to Ceec, but she hadn’t paid heed. What started as a calm conversation quickly escalated into a heated argument. In an attempt to mend the growing rift, Ceec made it clear that her victory was not meant to slight Cross. She also mentioned a past nomination by Cross that had hurt her but emphasized her willingness to move past it.

As the conversation intensified, Cross expressed his respect for Ceec as a woman but faced accusations of double standards from her. Ceec pointed out instances where she had supported him during their time in the All Stars house, highlighting the lack of reciprocity. She also singled out Ike as the only housemate who had genuinely supported her, which had influenced her decision not to support Cross’s bid for immunity.

Later, in a conversation with Adekunle, Ceec elaborated on her issues with Cross. She mentioned his exclusive focus on KimOprah when she was a guest in the house, his alleged collusion with Whitemoney to isolate her, and his susceptibility to Pere’s influence, which had strained her friendship with him. Ceec concluded that she didn’t want to be stressed on this particular day, as she was looking forward to the final Saturday night rave. Adekunle offered words of encouragement, advising her to maintain a positive mindset.

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