Drama Between Yemi, Khosi, Thabang And Blue Aiva

Drama Between Yemi, Khosi, Thabang And Blue Aiva.

So last night, Blue Aiva asked Yemi if her dressing looked good on her, Yemi complimented her and affirmed that she is looking hot.

Khosi was not having it, she questioned Yemi for complimenting her,.. she later told Yemi that he is free to be with Blue Aiva that she has no issues with it…she then revealed to Yemi that she wants to have an Open Relationship With Both Him And Thabang.

Yemi got pissed by what she said, and insist that she always bring up fights and an excuse for her to get close to Thabang.

Khosi Yemi BBTitans

He told her that she is free to do whatever she wants and he doesn’t care anymore..and he doesn’t need a relationship to play his game in the house.

Yemi later invited Blue Aiva to testify if he still had anything to do with her,… BLue wasn’t interested in the conversation and told them{Yemi & Khosi} that the both have trust issues and walked away from them.

Yemi also called Thabang and told him that he is free to have Khosi, and if they want to have a relationship, they are free, because he doesn’t care anymore.

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Dolly Pattern
1 year ago

Drama everyday
