Maria, Sammie and JMK Evicted in BBNaija Week 5 Eviction Show

Tonight’s episode saw a triple eviction, with Maria, JMK, and Sammie being told they had to leave the House permanently.

Well, there’s no point in beating about the bush – everyone knows that three Big Brother Housemates were evicted tonight, bringing the total number of people in the house down from 20 to 17. The deceitful couple of Pere and Maria, the unlucky in love Sammie, the two relative newbies JMK and Queen, and Cross were among the six up for eviction.

We’re sure they were all hoping for another surprise “no Eviction” Sunday tonight, but it was evident that this would not be the case. After a brief recap of the previous week’s significant events, Ebuka addressed the Housemates and announced that JMK would be the first member to depart the House that night.

“I’m mostly numb, JMK stated earlier today when asked how she was feeling. I’m not sure what I’m feeling. That does not sit well with me.” “Right now, I’m just over it,” she stated when Big Brother prodded her for more details. I’ve experienced all of the feelings I needed to experience.” Given those remarks, JMK’s Eviction should go reasonably smoothly.

She expressed her excitement during her onstage interview with Ebuka. “For some strange reason, I don’t think there’s any way to lose in this game. She told Ebuka that she was not depressed, which was an admirably upbeat attitude. She described herself as a “easy pick” for the Housemates to Nominate because she was new to the House and didn’t hold any grudges.

We hardly had time to say our goodbyes before Ebuka returned to the jittery Housemates and informed them that the next Housemate will be evicted. The Nominees were once again compelled to stand for what seemed like an eternity to us and a long time to them. Ebuka finally put them out of their suspense when he announced that Sammie would be the next to be evicted.

Sammie characterized his Big Brother experience as “life changing” just hours before the Eviction Show. The Tasks, he remarked, were the thing he would miss the most. “Those are the times when you come together to think about diverse points of view and goals. I was the most self-aware of all of it, thus I’d miss the Tasks the most.”

When it was time for Sammie to speak with Ebuka, he appeared pleased, indicating that he expected his name to come up tonight. He expressed his desire to pursue a relationship with Angel outside of the House, saying he would miss her the most. He was astonished to see Cross among the three Housemates who had Nominated him for eviction. His immediate plans are to “produce more movies.”

Before returning to the House and confirming their worst fears: that we weren’t done with the Evictions just yet, and that the evening’s third Evicted Housemate would be none other than Maria — a statement that horrified her fellow – now ex – Housemates.

Maria told Big Brother during her Diary Session earlier today that she was fine until he shouted her name. “My heart is pounding so loudly. I’m not ready to leave, but if I have to, I must. I simply have no idea what awaits me outdoors. I’m terrified. “I’m scared to death.” Despite her misgivings, Maria thanked Big Brother for providing her a platform, saying, “Thank you for this platform.” “I appreciate everything.”

She told Ebuka, “I’m surprised.” “I didn’t want to go,” she said, “but it was pretty overpowering at times.” When probed about her sentiments towards Pere, she made it clear that she considers him a “friend.” She expressed her delight at the prospect of returning to Lagos in the near future.

After tonight’s triple Eviction, the dust will settle for a while, but the remaining Housemates won’t have much time to relax. They’ll have to deal with another round of Head of House Games tomorrow, as well as another round of Nominations. At the very least, there should be a little more space in the House – though we’re not sure if it will help them relax.

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3 years ago

Please bring Maria back

Jemima S. Paye
Jemima S. Paye
3 years ago

I wish the evicted house mates well in their endeavors.
