Names of Ultimate Love Evicted Couples 2020

The names of all evicted couple of the Ultimate Love reality show from the very first week till today. There were 23 love guest which participated in the Ultimate Love show. They paired up to form 11 couples which are Listed below.

  1. Bolar
  2. Chivia
  3. DoubleChris
  4. Iykeresa
  5. Jaykech
  6. Obiebi
  7. Preshdavid
  8. Roksie
  9. Micherry
  10. Jeriton
  11. Jelo


uche Ultimate Love

Uche was among the 16 love guests that started the show. However, he pulled out of the show voluntarily for failing to connect with Nkechi who in turn connected with Jay therefore leaving Uche with no option than to connect with the only available love guest Chris and they both form the couple Chrisuch. The following day He notified Aunty of his decision to pull out of the show which Aunty willingly granted.



Micherry (Michael and Cherry) is the 1st couple to be evicted from the ultimate love show. They got evicted in the 4th week of the show after they were nominated for possible eviction from the show. They were actually preferred by the couples in the love pad because of Cherry’s talent of preparing delicious meals which was her selling point while she was in the house.

Read more about Micherry eviction here



Jeriton (Jerry and Meriton) is the second couple to be evicted from the show. Their eviction came in the 3rd week where they got the highest nominations from other couples in the love pad which led to their eviction from the show.

Read more about Jeriton’s eviction here



Jelo (Louis and Jenny Koko) is the 3rd couple to be evicted from the Ultimate Love reality show. They got nominate for eviction in the 4th week of the show which placed them on the list of couples up for eviction for that week. They got the least number of votes from the viewers which led to their eviction from the show.

Read more about Jelo eviction here

JAYKECH (Evicted)

Ultimate Love Remaining couples

Here are the names of couples left in the ultimate love reality show.

  1. Bolar
  2. Chivia
  3. DoubleChris
  4. Iykeresa
  5. Obiebi
  6. Preshdavid
  7. Roksie

As the show is getting more tensed up, who do you think will win the ultimate price of all expense paid wedding and a fully furnished apartment in Lagos? Let us here you view and what you think by leaving a comment below.


Ultimate love week 1 eviction, Ultimate love week 2 eviction, Ultimate love week 3 eviction, Ultimate love week 4 eviction, Ultimate love week 5 eviction, Ultimate love week 6 eviction, Ultimate love week 7 eviction, Ultimate love week 8 eviction, Ultimate love evicted couples, evicted couples in ultimate love.

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Charity Bianca
Charity Bianca
4 years ago

Next season 6 2021 BBn show form commence when please?
