Result for Ultimate Love Week 7 Nomination 2020 | Couples Up for Eviction this Week

As the Ultimate Love reality show progresses to the 7th week, couples in the love pad were once again called upon to nominate two couples each whom they wish to be evicted from the show. We still have a total of 7 couples left in the love pad. So far Jeriton, Micherry and Jelo are the couples who have been evicted/checked out of the show. The remaining couples are listed below.

Ultimate Love Couple Remaining in the Show

The list of Ultimate Love Couples that are left in the show as at week 6.

  • Bolar
  • Chivia
  • DoubleChris
  • Iykeresa
  • Obiebi
  • Preshdavid
  • Roksie

All couples were given the nomination card to write down the names of two couples they want to evict from the show then placed the card in the nomination box. The presenter, Dakore read out the nominated names for each couple to confirm their nominations. The result for the ultimate love week 7 (round 5) nomination is shown in the table below.

Ultimate Love Nomination for Week 7 (Round 5)

The last 7 couples were called upon to nominate couples they wish to evict from the show come on next week Sunday live show. Here are the nominations.

Ultimate Love Week 7 Nomination Result 2020

This is there result of the ultimate love couple and those that got the highest nominations.

Couples up for Eviction this Week


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4 years ago

Love is not conscious activity.its something like reflex action…TEAM roksie, those couple are ambassador of peace…i love them

4 years ago

please vote for Roksie couple the y deserve everything in ultimate love iam Benigna from Namibia.

4 years ago

True love is about loving your partner for what he/she is and not what he/she was. TM Roksie is the ultimate Team with the Ultimate love. Vote Roksie!

4 years ago

Please vote for Iykeresa the youngest couple to win so that they can get married. I am Ms Aipinge I am Iykeresa’s supporter in Namibia. This young couple have shown maturity and true love , others are just emulating Iykeresa
