See What Caused Chichi and Phyna’s Fight

Since the Housemates combined Levels, Chichi and Phyna’s bond in the Level Up House has evolved. Although Phyna and Chichi have had minor disagreements, they usually resolve their differences quickly because, according to Chichi, she and Phyna have their own method of communication. Today, however, was different!

Chichi had told Groovy this morning in front of the Head of House room that Phyna was on the floor and acting strangely, implying that she was inebriated. Phyna lost her cool when she heard this and approached Chichi. Chichi was stunned as she stood firm. Every other Housemate, however, was on Phyna’s side, which irritated Chichi.

Chichi opens up to Daniella

Chichi chose to discuss her feelings with Daniella after the altercation because she had no one else to talk to. During the conversation, she expressed her belief that the Housemates had decided to group together against her. Chichi was likewise startled that anything she said to Phyna was completely ignored. She reflected on their normal connection, how Phyna helped her recover after Deji’s eviction, and how they used to tease each other.

Chichi also stated that she disliked the Showmax movie night because Chomzy attempted to turn her friend against her. Chomzy questioned why Phyna used her Veto Power to save Chichi when she had previously uttered questionable things.

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1 year ago

phynation for de money naaaaaaaaah