Ultimate Love Couples Quote for Week 3

As the Ultimate love reality show progresses to the fifth week, here are some of the couples favourite quotes for week 3.


Jerry opens up to Meriton about how past relationship can leave a mark.

JERRY: ”Sometimes, those things affect you, how you think, how you handle relationship”

Jerry Love quote


Chris ask for help from Jaykech to make her birthday more special.

CHRIS: “If I get into my shell, it will be very hard for me to come out”

Chris Ultimate Love quote


As the ladies prepare meal together, they muse about love.

MERITON: “The good thing about this show is that we are all different people coming together”

Meriton Ultimate Love quote


Louis chatted up about relationship issues, but was open to working on it

LOUIS: “I really don’t want to define who we are. I am not saying am a perfect person, I also want to learn”.

Louis Ultimate Love quote


Meriton and Ebiteinye bask in hope after the guy’s romantic gesture.

MERITON: “Happy moment, happy environments, it gives hope to all, it gives hope to people outside. I like it”.

Meriton Ultimate Love quote 2


Chivia showed a strong front when chatting with aunty.

SYLVIA: “ Aunty it is Chivia for life! Chiddy Bankz: Aunty is our witness”.

Sylvia Ultimate Love quote

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