Ultimate Love Results and Percentage for Season 1 2020

The weekly result of Ultimate Love reality show season 1 showing the vote percentage of all couples is shown below. The couple with the least number of vote is evicted while couples with highest number of votes are save and can the continue their journey in the love pad in search of love.

Ultimate Love Result for Week 3 (Round 1)

  • Iykeresa โ€“ 38.67 percent
  • Chivia โ€“ 22.48 percent
  • Preshdavid โ€“ 20.39 percent
  • Obiebi โ€“ 9.47 percent
  • Micherry โ€“ 8.99 percent

Micherry (Michael and Cherry) evicted

Micherry eviction

Ultimate Love Result for Week 4 (Round 2)

  • Roksie โ€“ 36.65 percent
  • Bolar โ€“ 18.44 percent
  • Chivia โ€“ 12.33 percent
  • Doublechris โ€“ 10.77 percent
  • Obiebi โ€“ 8.90 percent
  • Jelo โ€“ 7.41 percent
  • Jeriton โ€“ 5.50 percent

Jeriton (Jerry and Meriton) evicted


Ultimate Love Result for Week 5 (Round 3)

  • Roksie โ€“ 45.41 percent
  • Bolar โ€“ 24.83 percent
  • Chivia โ€“ 17.95 percent
  • Jelo โ€“ 11.81 percent

Jelo (Louis and Jenny Koko) evicted


Ultimate Love Result for Week 6 (Round 4)

  • Iykeresa โ€“ 31.53 percent
  • Obiebi โ€“ 29.49 percent
  • Doublechris โ€“ 25.52 percent
  • Jaykech โ€“ 13.46 percent

Jaykech (Jay and Nkechi) evicted

Ultimate Love Result for Week 7 (Round 5)

  • Roksie โ€“ 43.73 percent
  • Iykeresa โ€“ 23.93 percent
  • Doublechris โ€“ 13.13 percent
  • Preshdavid โ€“ 11.58 percent
  • Obiebi โ€“ 7.63 percent

Obiebi (Obichukwu and Ebiteinye) and Preshdavid (David Wilson and Presh Talker) evicted

OBIEBI Evicted

Ultimate Love Final Result for Week 8 (Round 6)

  • Roksie โ€“ 46.33 percent
  • Iykeresa โ€“ 25.57 percent
  • Bolar โ€“ 12.85 percent
  • Doublechris โ€“ 8.48 percent
  • Chivia โ€“ 6.77 percent

Roksie (Kachi and Rosie) Emerged Winner of Ultimate Love Season 1

Ultimate Love season 1 winner

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