Ultimate Love Speed Dating Challenge (Day 2)

The Love Guests went for speed dating again this evening and with strict instructions from Aunty, that they mustn’t choose the person they were with the past 24 hours.

All dressed and ready to mingle, the girls in particular went in there pondering on what Aunty had advised them earlier on. In a conversation they had, it was a unanimous agreement that the only thing you can do is to just love men and not try to change them.

However, not only were the ladies inspired by Aunty’s words of wisdom, she also gave the guys something to chew on and the most being how to treat your partner.

This was more visible in the conversations they were having on the speed dates.

β€œWhen you meet a person, it’s not about trying to change that person to be what you want them to be, but to accept them for who they are”, said Rosie when she was on a speed date with David Wilson.

Another take from Aunty’s advice came from Iyke when he said after listening to her in the morning, he saw relationships differently.

β€œTreat your relationship like a business. Nurture it and see it grow”, he told Theresa on their date.

New Pairings

Soon after the girls rotated and had their time with each guy, the guys, in their numerical sitting, were then asked to choose a partner they’ll be with for the next 24 hours.

Interesting choices have been made and connections are building, but we’ll all have to wait and see what really builds outside of the speed dates.

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