Azah Awasum Big Brother 23 Houseguest Profile & Biography | BB Cast Pictures, Age, Birthday, State, Occupation

Azah Awasum enters Big Brother 23 with lofty ambitions and a strategy for achieving them. Azah is a Baltimore-based Director of Sales Operations who appears to be familiar with Big Brother’s history, so ideally, she keeps to her strategy to break up the power couples and eliminate the game’s strong players early on. “NO SHOWMANCES!” Azah vows, which is crucial to her strategy.

Full Name Azah Awasum
Age 30
Sex Female
Nationality American
Place of Birth Baltimore, Md
Current City Baltimore, Md
Occupation Director of Sales Operation

Three adjectives that describe you

Charismatic, crafty, clumsy

Favourite Activities

I love cooking! It’s one of my favorite pastimes. I am also an avid biker (just completed a century earlier this year) and a world traveler (26 countries and counting!)

Who are your favorite Houseguests duos? Those who became best friends in the Big Brother house or had a showmance?

I can’t stand showmances! I love duos. My favorite Big Brother player (Jun) was part of a duo. Alison and Jun from BB4 dominated the house with loyalty only to each other! I hope to get a powerful partner in the house and sit with them in the final two.

What is your favourite past moment on Big Brother?

Keisha’s birthday in BB10 is hands down one of my favorites! Too many iconic moments, Libra screaming her accolades to Jerry, Jesse instigating, Dan staying out of trouble, that sad “Happy Birthday” after everyone just finished screaming at each other… Classic.

What is your strategy for winning the game?

Spot the power players early and annihilate or divide them one by one! Play for MYSELF not the house. I’m hoping my amiable appearance will cause the guests to let their guards down with me. I want every houseguest to feel like they have me in their pocket. Finally, I make really good decisions as long as there is no romance involved. NO SHOWMANCES!

My life’s motto is

“You haven’t started living until you’ve started living for others.”

What would you take into the house and why:

  • My spices because I have no idea what seasonings they have in the house and I need some flavor in my life!
  • My bicycle and my speaker because I’m always at peace when I’m riding it and listening to tunes.
  • My afro pick because fro is life.

Fun facts about yourself

  • My grandfather was a polygamist with 6 wives and 47 children, I have over 300 cousins!
  • My name means “able to make friends.”
  • Afraid of manholes.
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