Big Brother 23 Daily Live Feeds and Highlights 2021

Welcome to the Big Brother Live Feeds for Big Brother 23. The new season premiered on Wednesday, and now we have the Feeds to go with it. Now we’ll be able to observe the Houseguests as they begin to coordinate, plot, and prepare for Big Brother 23’s first eviction. Continue reading to find out what happened on the first night.

Week 1

Thursday July 8 Daytime Highlights and Live Feed

With a new HOH and a change in the game, the Big Brother 23 house was buzzing on Thursday morning. The Big Brother HGs were all attempting to figure out what Frenchie’s plan for the week was when the Wildcard Competition was announced and Frenchie made deals with the majority of the house. Find out everything you need to know about Thursday’s daytime broadcasts right here!

BB 23 Thursday Highlights

  • 8:00 AM BBT – HGs are waking up.
  • 8:45 AM BBT – Some of the HGs are sitting in the living room talking about past seasons of Big Brother and how messy the first season of Celebrity Big Brother was.
  • 8:55 AM BBT – Azah asks Frenchie if he would like for their group to talk. He tells her yes and they plan for a meet at around 11 AM BBT.
  • 9:30 AM BBT – No game talk going on, just a lot of general chatter.
  • 9:45 AM BBT – The HGs are filled in about another twist, but aren’t told what it is (Wildcard Comp).
  • 9:55 AM BBT – Frenchie tells Whitney that he would like to work with her and mentions that he would really like to work with Xavier also because he is consistently analyzing things. They agree that they should have four or five people in their core group, but also have connections outside of their core group.
  • 10:20 AM BBT – Frenchie and Whitney have a chance to talk to Xavier about aligning. Frenchie tells Xavier that he really wanted to get together with a good sized group and call them the Slaughterhouse with a core four and call themselves the Butchers. Xavier likes the idea and says that they have to be less peppy when they leave the HOH and make it seem like he was talking to them about noms.
  • 10:28 AM BBT – Xavier mentions that he really likes Derek F. Kyland walks in and interupts the conversation.
  • 10:38 AM BBT – Frenchie tells Kyland that he isn’t in any danger this week.
  • 10:52 AM BBT – Kyland brings up how they should have a close core and then a bigger group that they are cool with inside the house. Frenchie agrees and says that he knows that fans hate that, but it’s what’s going to get them to the end.
  • 11:00 AM BBT – Frenchie and Kyland talk about Whitney, Tiffany, Derek F and Xavier being possible allies to add to their group.
  • 11:08 AM BBT – Frenchie brings Britini into the HOH to talk to her about who she likes in the house or if there is anyone that she thinks doens’t really want to be there. She says that everyone is being super nice to her, but she feels a good connection with Tiffany.
  • 11:11 AM BBT – Frenchie reveals to Britini that Brent is his target this week, but he isn’t sure who his pawns would be. Britini tells him that whatever he wants to happen this week, she will support 100 percent.
  • 11:22 AM BBT – Britini mentions that she loves both Whitney and Tiffany and then asks if seven is too many? Frenchie says that if it’s Whitney and Tiffany rounding it out, he would be find with that because he trusts them both. Britini tells Frenchie that Hannah scares her.
  • 11:35 AM BBT – Frenchie tells Brent that he is pulling people in first who he values their opinions. He asks Brent what he thinks about the other HGs. Brent tells Frenchie that he really loves the passion that Frenchie shows for his family.
  • 11:40 AM BBT – Frenchie tells Brent that his name was brought up last night by someone, but he (F) needed to talk to Brent before he made any kind of decision.
  • 11:45 AM BBT – Frenchie apologized to Brent for assuming he was a hard ass before even talking to him. He also thanked Brent for diverting attention when some of the HGs were picking on how small Frenchie’s arms are. Brent tells him that kindness is free. Adds that he doesn’t like people who intentionally put people down.
  • 11:50 AM BBT – Brent tells Frenchie that he can tell Christian sees him as a threat and he wants to be the Alpha with the women in the house. Brent tells Frenchie if Christian wants the women, he can have them. He isn’t there for the women, he is there for $750,000. Frenchie says that if there is drama over the women in the house, they should nip that.
  • 11:55 AM BBT – Frenchie tells Brent that he can’t play next week, but he knows that Brent is going to gun it for the next HOH. He asks Brent if they are good going into next week. Brent tells him that they are.
  • 11:58 AM BBT – Feeds cut to pet loops.
  • 1:20 PM BBT – Feeds are back. Tiffany tells Travis that she hopes they can watch the competition. Christian and Kyland are playing in the Wildcard Comp (no confirmation on the third player, but it sounds like Hannah).
  • 1:27 PM BBT – Feeds cut to pet loops again.
  • 3:15 PM BBT – The Big Brother live feeds are still down.

Frenchie is forming a lot of alliances, which could come back to get him in the end. A conversation between Frenchie and Brent, on the other hand, appears to have changed Frenchie’s mind about attacking Brent this week. Who will be the next person to be hunted?

Wednesday Night Highlights

  • 9:35 PM BBT – Feeds arrive!
  • 9:40 PM BBT – HGs wandering, unpacking, and learning the house.
  • 9:45 PM BBT – Alyssa is laid out on the lounger in the bathroom. She’s keeping the trash can nearby and has been vomiting (off-camera).
  • 9:55 PM BBT – Frenchie connecting with Tiffany. He discusses realizing he’s “the old guy” for the season (she’s older than he is).
  • 10:15 PM BBT – Frenchie talks with Claire and Derek in generalities about which kind of HGs can be trusted.
  • 10:25 PM BBT – Frenchie tells Tiffany he is not going to target any of the women and they discuss going after the Jocks. He promises to be the “showmance killer.”
  • 10:45 PM BBT – Alyssa and Frenchie having a good talk. She admits to knowing the show and having auditioned four times.
  • 11:00 PM BBT – Whitney tells Tiffany she would have nominated two weak players if she got HOH, but then might have backdoored a stronger player. Tiffany suggests the two of them work with Frenchie. Whitney agrees. They grab Frenchie and start to talk but get interrupted. Whitney wants to bring Britini into their group.
  • 11:20 PM BBT – Have-Not room revealed upstairs. It looks like an uncomfortable boathouse.
  • 11:35 PM BBT – Travis is already planning the post-season Vegas trip.
  • 11:55 PM BBT – HGs wondering just how long this teams twist will last.
  • 12:25 AM BBT – HOH room reveal time for Frenchie.
  • 12:45 AM BBT – Travis and Derek X are reviewing their options for allies. Travis worries about Britini’s intensity. He’s also noticed Brent and Christian are getting close. Travis hopes they can work with Claire and Hannah.
  • 1:05 AM BBT – Christian and Alyssa are trying to make Slop.
  • 2:15 AM BBT – Frenchie is working on a backdoor plan and will not be nominating any of the women.
  • 3:20 AM BBT – Britini talks to Christian about creating an eight-person alliance. Christian says that’s too many and suggests five instead.
  • 3:40 AM BBT – Frenchie reiterates his plans to target showmances. He’s talking with Claire, Azah, Britini, and Hannah. He wants to go after the guys and asks that in return the women don’t target him next week.
  • 4:50 AM BBT – Lights are going off in the house as HGs are finally settling down for what’s left of the night.

The new season is off to a good start. Frenchie appears to be ready to go after the Bros/Jocks this week, and will be working closely with the women to do so. We’ll most likely get nominations today or tomorrow, and then the “Wild Card” tournament will most likely take place on Friday so it can air on Sunday. There’s a lot going on ahead, so stay tuned for the latest!

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