Brandon “Frenchie” French Big Brother 23 Houseguest Profile & Biography | BB Cast Pictures, Age, Birthday, City, Occupation

On Big Brother 23, Frenchie is trading the country for the city, at least for the summer. Brandon “Frenchie” French travels from Tennessee, where he and his family run a farm. He believes strategies are overrated, but if he had to resurrect a team, Britney and Rachel’s hair extensions would be his choice. So, this guy appears to be a die-hard Big Brother fan. Let’s see whether he can pull off a major victory in the next few months.

Full Name Brandon “Frenchie” French
Age 34
Sex Male
Nationality American
Place of Birth Camden, Tennessee
Current City Clarksville, Tennessee
Occupation Farmer

Three adjectives that describe you

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, compassionate and exuberant.

Favourite Activities

“Yes” days with the kids, fishing, playing with the baby animals, and grilling out.

Who are your favourite Houseguests duos? Those who became best friends in the Big Brother house or had a showmance?

Definitely Britney Haynes and Rachel’s hair extensions!

What is your favourite past moment on Big Brother?

Dan’s funeral, on my daughter’s birthday, was legendary!

What is your strategy for winning the game?

Building relationships with everyone not just your alliance. Being a farmer, no two days are the same. You never know what to expect. I always have to evolve and change game plans on a daily basis and I have got really good at it. Set strategies are over-rated and crumble so my lifestyle fits perfectly with the Big Brother house.

My life’s motto is

“You will always go through rocky times, but together we can crush those rocks into fine sand and create our own paradise!”

What would you take into the house and why:

  • A picture of my son who passed away because it motivates me like no other.
  • A fishing pole because it would be fun catching other Houseguests from the HOH balcony lol
  • A voice recorder because everyone in that house lies and then I’d have proof of what was said.

Fun facts about yourself

  • At 13 I won the NFL national punt pass and kick competition
  • We have a 2 time grand national champion show bull that lives better than most humans.
  • I’m a proud member of the NAACP.
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