Britini D’Angelo Big Brother 23 Houseguest Profile & Biography | BB Cast Pictures, Age, Birthday, State, Occupation

Get ready for Britini D’Angelo on Big Brother 23, because her bio is filled with exclamation marks. She’s ecstatic! This kindergarten teacher from Niagara Falls, New York, is well-versed in her Big Brother and determined to prove she deserves a place in the halls of fame. She’s eager to compete and won’t back down from her plan to be honest and win the Huge Brother house by making big moves.

Full Name Britini D’Angelo
Age 24
Sex Female
Nationality American
Place of Birth Niagara Falls, New York.
Current City Niagara Falls, New York.
Occupation Kindergarten Teacher

Three adjectives that describe you

Driven, compassionate and loving.

Favourite Activities

Dancing, karate, softball, tennis, theatre, spending time with my family and friends, swimming, biking, running, fitness activities, playing Mario Kart and making Tik Tok’s!

Who are your favorite Houseguests duos? Those who became best friends in the Big Brother house or had a showmance?

  • Derrick & Cody – BB16
  • Tyler & Angela AND Tyler & Kaycee – BB20
  • Da’Vonne & Bayleigh – BB22
  • Paul & Victor – BB18

What is your favourite past moment on Big Brother?

I always go back to this moment because it’s so iconic. BB14. Dan gets Danielle to use the veto on him during the final 4 eviction ceremony, and he blindsides Danielle and gets Shane. Ian stays in the house, Ian wins the final HOH (ICONIC), and then goes on to beat Dan 6-1. Absolutely insane. As a fan, I also cannot not pick the “Reset Button” in BB16. Frankie was on a ROLL, and then the entire week gets reset. He has to redo the entire week, and he knew that if he didn’t win the veto after being evicted, he would be gone. It was heartbreaking to watch for Frankie, but SUCH a good twist on the week.

What is your strategy for winning the game?

My strategy for winning the game is simply put, to never forget who I am as an individual, be AUTHENTIC in the house, win competitions in order to secure relationships/alliances in the house, and not be afraid to make the BIG MOVES! Big Risk means even bigger reward!

My life’s motto is

“NEVER give up. NEVER back down from a challenge. NEVER quit. NEVER stop believing in yourself and all you can accomplish.”

What would you take into the house and why:

  • For Big Brother, I will be taking in the four core values that my martial arts training has instilled in me, being Discipline, Integrity, Loyalty, and Respect. I truly think that my greatest weapon going into the house is never forgetting who I am as a person, and these four core principles. Get ready America. I’m coming in HOT.
  • In terms of clothing items, I will definitely be bringing into the house LOTS of athletic wear. I am obsessed with athletic clothing. It truly just makes me so happy and I feel so comfortable & confident when wearing it!
  • I will also be bringing in my NU Hoodie from college! Purple Eagles all day!! Niagara University has been my home away from home for 6 years, and in May 2020, I graduated with my Masters of Science in Education!

Fun facts about yourself

  • In December 2020, I was promoted to the rank of 4th Degree Black Belt in the Chuck Norris System. I am also a three-time world champion at the United Fighting Arts Federation World Championships Tournament.
  • I play four musical instruments (alto saxophone, tenor saxophone, piano & flute)!
  • I have a mini snow globe collection that I started when I was 10 years old! I currently own 173 snow globes!
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