Christie Valdiserri Big Brother 23 Houseguest Profile & Biography | BB Cast Pictures, Age, Birthday, State, Occupation

Christie Valdiserri is going to dance her way to Big Brother 23’s finale night. Baldtourage, Christie’s elegant style, includes this professional dancer from North Hollywood. She intends to use loyalty in the same way as Derrick and Cody did to get through the season and win Big Brother.

Full NameChristie Valdiserri
Place of BirthPhiladelphia, Pa.
Current CityNorth Hollywood, Calif.
OccupationProfessional Dancer

Three adjectives that describe you

Determined, energetic and passionate.

Favourite Activities

Dancing, teaching dance, traveling, going to the beach, cooking vegan food, and of course enjoying a nice stiff spicy margarita on a rooftop at sunset!

Who are your favorite Houseguests duos? Those who became best friends in the Big Brother house or had a showmance?

I loved Derrick and Cody from Season 16. I really appreciated how loyal they were to each other.

What is your favorite past moment on Big Brother?

I love Haleigh!! And although maybe it wasn’t her BEST game move, it said a lot about her character when she was honest to Bayleigh about being the hacker. I thought that was mature, loyal, and respectable. If we were on the same season, we’d totally be friends!

What is your strategy for winning the game?

Following my gut and being myself. I plan to get to know all of the personality types and attempt to understand what each of them respond well to. I also plan to use my hair loss secret to my advantage! Another strategy is to kick some of these dude’s asses in the physical games and literally not give up even when I want to!

My life’s motto is

“When there’s a will, there’s a way babyyyy!”

What would you take into the house and why:

  • My big comfy bed, of course! Because life is better when you have your own bed with you lol
  • My juicer and an endless supply of celery!! Because I start every single day with celery juice!
  • Can my cute pup named Harold please come!?

Fun facts about yourself

  • I’ve been vegan for 3.5 years and pescatarian for 10!
  • I went to Penn State University and graduated early!
  • I have 11 piercings and 5 of them I did myself lol.
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