Daniel Ikechi Nigerian Idol Profile/Biography | Full Name, Age, State, Occupation and Birthday

This young graphic designer takes his musical art with him everywhere he goes. Whether in church or the neighbourhood bar, Daniel is sure to get on stage and sing.

Daniel says he entered Nigerian Idol for the experience and exposure, and hopes the platform the show provides will help showcase his talent and take him to the next level.

Full NameDaniel Ikechi
Age23 years
Place of BirthUndisclosed
Marital statusSingle
OccupationGraphics designer

When you get a shot to Audition for Nigerian Idol and you decide to risk it all by performing your own original song, then you must either be a risk-taker or just confident about your superpowers. In

Daniel’s case, he must have been pretty sure of his talent and musical prowess and that’s why he decided to take the big risk of performing his own composition. In the end, it paid off as he joins the elite Top 11 squad! Let’s see how far his super talent will carry him.

Daniel’s Social Media Channel

Instagram – _danaikh

Twitter – _danaikh

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3 years ago

Hi. His social media handles are @thedanielikechi
