Derek Xiao Big Brother 23 Houseguest Profile & Biography | BB Cast Pictures, Age, Birthday, City, Occupation

With Big Brother 23, Derek Xiao hopes to launch his next big undertaking in life. This “Start-Up Founder” comes to Big Brother 23 from New York, NY with a valuable skill: cooking! Watch for him to use making others laugh and creating relationships as part of his Big Brother strategy to win.

Full NameDerek Xiao
Place of BirthBaltimore, MD
Current CityNew York, N.Y.
OccupationStart-Up Founder

Three adjectives that describe you

Funny, logical and thoughtful.

Favourite Activities

I’ve been really into chess and surfing recently. I just spent a month in Hawaii, and I would surf every morning and then play chess on the beach. Growing up I fell into the typical Asian stereotypes and played tennis and piano. My mom only cooked Chinese food growing up, so I started learning how to cook so I could make random food that I craved like mac and cheese. Now I love cooking and trying new recipes. My least favourite activity would be cleaning the dishes afterwards though.

Who are your favourite Houseguests duos? Those who became best friends in the Big Brother house or had a showmance?

Dr. Will and Mike Boogie. They looked like they were having a great time in the house, while also playing the game extremely well.

What is your favourite past moment on Big Brother?

When Dick and Jenn got into a heated argument and she threw out all his cigarettes.

What is your strategy for winning the game?

Build relationships with everyone in the house and slowly turn friendships into alliances. And then layer in unassailable logical reasoning to influence peoples’ decisions.

My life’s motto is

“If you laugh at yourself first then everyone is just laughing with you.”

What would you take into the house and why:

  • A journal so I can keep track of all the funny stories to share with my friends.
  • My laptop so I can keep working on my business.
  • An iPod so I can get hyped for competitions or relax after long days.

Fun facts about yourself

  • I rented a Citi bike to compete in a triathlon in college…and then crashed the bike.
  • I was stung by a jellyfish in Thailand and then was later forced to eat the jellyfish.
  • I started a company that ships meal kits by food influencers across the U.S.
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