Groovy Breaks up with Phyna

Groovy Breaks up with Phyna

The ship of the housemates appears to be on the approach of being destroyed. The pair had their first quarrel last night about Phyna’s drinking habit. Housemate Daniella had revealed to Phyna her private conversations with Groovy.

Groovy had confided in Daniella, whom he considered his bestfriend, about his emotions for Phyna. Groovy was still navigating his feelings for Phyna at the time and had stated to Daniella that he didn’t like her and that she (Phyna) was forcing the relationship.

Things appear to have changed and Groovy is now in love with Phyna; however, Daniella spilt the beans to Phyna, who assumed Groovy was playing her. Phyna drank herself into a stupor before their Guinness game, which irritated Groovy.

Phyna and Groovy

Groovy warned her and asked her to cut back on her drinking use. “There is no point in us maintaining this relationship if you want to drink as you like them,” he remarked. Groovy had no choice but to end their relationship because Phyna was adamant about drinking. “You’re breaking up with me,” Phyna stated. Groovy responded, “I’m not breaking up with you; I’m just saying we need some distance.” Phyna pointed out that there is no difference between the terms. “Which is the same as breaking up.”

Earlier today Groovy was seen packing all his belongings from Phyna bed probably signaling his intentions to end his relationship with her.

Groovy also had a conversation with Daniella to clear the air over a statement Phyna attributed to her about the state of Groovy’s relationship to Phyna.

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