Kiddwaya BBNaija Instagram, Facebook & Twitter Usernames
Terseer Kiddwaya is 27 years old self-employed and comes from Benue State. He is one of the housemates in the Lock down season 5 2020 edition of Africa biggest reality TV show Big Brother Naija. Being a Big Brother Naija season 5 Housemate has Kiddwaya anticipating a better and crazier 2020.
He describes himself as confident, good looking, ambitious, a daredevil who is highly motivated. It is no surprise then that “bringing back the fun into the House” is what he won’t compromise on this season.
Kiddwaya currently have about 21,000 followers on his Instagram account. If you are interested in getting update with recent news about Kiddwaya, please follow him on his Instagram, Twitter and Facebook account below.
Instagram: kiddwaya
Twitter: real_kiddwawa
All ar lukin good