Stop Jumping from One Bed to Another- Doyin Advises Ilebaye

Stop Jumping from One Bed to Another- Doyin Advises Ilebaye

It seems there was a recent incident in the Big Brother Naija house where housemate Ilebaye clashed with TolaniBaj over sleeping arrangements involving Neo. Following the clash, another housemate named Doyin decided to offer Ilebaye some advice on how to handle such situations and earn respect from others.


Doyins advice to Ilebaye was centered around self-respect. She encouraged Ilebaye to respect herself and her boundaries, so that others, including fellow housemates, would also respect her. One specific example Doyin mentioned was related to Ilebaye’s behavior with the male housemates. She advised Ilebaye to refrain from moving from one bed to another as a way of flirting with the men. Instead, Doyin suggested that if any man is interested in spending time with her, he should approach her directly and not the other way around.

This advice is likely given with the intention of helping Ilebaye maintain a sense of self-worth and assertiveness in her interactions with others. By setting clear boundaries and respecting herself, Doyin believes that Ilebaye can command respect from her fellow housemates and avoid unnecessary conflicts like the one she had with TolaniBaj over Neos bed.

It’s important for participants in such reality shows to navigate social dynamics carefully, and advice from fellow housemates can sometimes be beneficial in that regard.

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