Profile of Ultimate Love Guests/Housemates | Full Names, Age & Biography 2020

Ultimate Love season 1 reality show has commenced and here is the full list of housemates and their profile showing their full names, age, occupation and their state of origin.

There are currently 22 housemates/contestants in the ultimate love season one (1) reality show with 8 males and 8 females. In this article, I will highlight the age, occupation and state of origin of each housemate.

Ultimate Love Housemate Names and Profile (Biography)

Ultimate love Housemates

Arnold Henry Olatuji33OgunSinger, Writer and Producer
Bolanle Oluchi Babalola36OndoContent producer
Chiddy Bankz35UndisclosedHR Manager Entrepreneur
Cherry Adannaya Osigwe31ImoMedical Doctor
Chris Adah36AbiaBrand Architech
Chris Ville Obaoye Olajide Charles35LagosImporter & Blogger
Ebiteinye Juliet Tony27BayelsaAccountant
Ikenna Uri Tyler Nnama25EnuguManufacturing
Jerry Mudiaga32DeltaEntrepreneur, Media Presenter
Meriton Bassey Iton33UndisclosedFashion Enthusiast
Michael Onyedikachi Ngene30EnuguBroadcast Journalist
David Vilson35BayelsaMC, Comedian
Kachi Ucheagwu33ImoDigital Entrepreneur
Nkechi Maureen Agbah30AnambraMarketing executive
Jenny Koko27RiversFabrics trader
Louis Ejiofor34DeltaBroadcast content creator
Jay Benson36EbonyiEngineer
Theresa Ifeoma Ugorji24ImoOptometrist
Obichukwu33ImoBusiness man
Presh Talker27AbiaMC, TV host
Rosemary Afuwape36OgunTeacher
Sylvia C Udeh24LagosStudent
Uche Nwankwo29AnambraEntrepreneur

Arnold Ultimate Love Profile & Biography | Age, Occupation and Pictures

Arnold is a writer and a singer and is one of the contestants/Housemates who put in for the first season of the Ultimate love reality show. He is a lover of food and doesnโ€™t play with his Egusi soup as the popular saying โ€œThe way to a manโ€™s heart is through his stomachโ€.

Arnoldโ€™s longest relationship was with his high school sweetheart, which lasted four years. Although he hasnโ€™t had much luck in recent years, Arnold still believes in love and spontaneity in a relationship. Violence is a huge turn off for him, he prefers someone who is a giver. Arnoldโ€™s ability to write and sing will hopefully enable him to express himself and hopefully his love language too.

Arnold Ultimate Love

Full NameHenry Olatunde Arnold
Age33 years old (2021)
Place of BirthOgun state
Marital statusSingle
OccupationSinger, Writer and Producer

Arnold Ultimate Love Video

Chiddy Bankz Ultimate Love Profile & Biography | Age, Occupation and Pictures

Chiddy Bankz Biography

Chiddy Bankz is one of the love guest/contestants/Housemates who put in for the first season of the Ultimate love reality show. He was introduced into the show on the second week of the show.

The hunky Chiddy Bankz has a simple outlook on love. All the charmer is after is honest and true happiness. Can one of the ladies of the Love Pad grant him his wish?

Chidi Banks is out to find true love and happiness. Who in the Love Pad is best suited to grant him his wish?

Full NameChiddy Bankz
Age35 years old (2021)
Place of BirthUndisclosed
Place of residenceUndisclosed
Marital statusSingle

Chris Ville Ultimate Love Profile & Biography | Age, Occupation and Pictures

Chris Ville Biography

Chris Ville is one of the love guest/contestants/Housemates who put in for the first season of the Ultimate love reality show. He was introduced into the show on the second week of the show.

Tall, dark and handsome Chris Ville has vowed to bring empathy, passion and a whole lot of loving to the Love Pad? Who do you see him paired with?

Looks like Chris Ville will bring empathy, affection and of course loving to the Love Pad!

Full NameChris Ville
Age35 years old (2021)
Place of BirthUndisclosed
Place of residenceLagos State
Marital statusSingle
OccupationImporter, Blogger and content promoter

David Wilson Ultimate Love Profile & Biography | Age, Occupation and Pictures

David Wilson is one of the contestants/Housemates who put in for the first season of the Ultimate love reality show. The 33-year-old from Bayelsa State isnโ€™t fussy at all when it comes to relationships. All he requires is some quality time and a personal touch.

Though he wonโ€™t say he believes in love at first sight, David Wilson is all about being open minded and recognising that the world is changing. With this knowledge, he allows himself get guidance from the universe.

David Ultimate Love

Full NameDavid Wilson
Age35 years old (2021)
Place of BirthBayelsa State
Marital statusSingle
OccupationMC, Comedian

David Wilson Ultimate Love

Iyke Ultimate Love Profile & Biography | Age, Occupation and Pictures

Iyke is one of the contestants/Housemates who put in for the first season of the Ultimate love reality show. The charismatic 24-year-old from Enugu State is clear on one thing; to find his ride-or-die. His orotund voice might be one of his best attributes but his lips top everything else. Even though he is a words-of-affirmation type of guy, he believes his lips are a vital tool to getting a message across. He also believes that for a relationship to work, there must be clear gender roles. Let’s just say heโ€™s all for mutual understanding.

Iyke Ultimate Love

Full NameIkenna Uri Tyler Nnama
Age25 years old (2021)
Place of BirthEnugu State
Marital statusSingle

Iyke Ultimate Love Video

Jay Ultimate Love Profile & Biography | Age, Occupation and Pictures

Jay is one of the contestants/Housemates who put in for the first season of the Ultimate love reality show. ย ย He 35-year-old engineer from Ebonyi State is grounded on who he is and would never trade anything about him for anything else.

Heโ€™s comfortable in his skin but also a very sensitive guy. For Jay, love is all about attraction and he believes itโ€™s the basis for anything else that follows. Interestingly, he says he always fantasised about proposing in France, near the Eiffel Tower.

Jay Ultimate Love

Full NameJay Benson
Age36 years old (2021)
Place of BirthEbonyi State
Marital statusSingle

Jay Ultimate Love Video

Kachi Ultimate Love Profile & Biography | Age, Occupation and Pictures

Kachi is one of the contestants/Housemates who put in for the first season of the Ultimate love reality show.ย  He is 32-year-old serial entrepreneur who hails from Imo State and has a deep love for his culture and tradition. The self-proclaimed charmer firmly believes a man should always provide for his family but has a liberal side to match – he is open to a partner having her own identity.

Donโ€™t expect looks to knock him off his feet though, as he doesnโ€™t believe in love at first sight and prefers to find something deeper to win him over. Love looks like it’s always been in his favour, his longest relationship stretched all the way back to high school and lasted till he entered the working world! Expect a breath-taking proposal from Kachi as he declares, โ€œI need to take her by stormโ€ when sharing how heโ€™ll pop the question if he finds โ€™The Oneโ€™.

Kachi Ultimate love

Full NameKachi Ucheagwu
Age33 years old (2021)
Place of BirthImo State
Marital statusSingle
OccupationDigital entrepreneur

Louis Ultimate Love Profile & Biography | Age, Occupation and Pictures

Louis is one of the contestants/Housemates who put in for the first season of the Ultimate love reality show.ย  He is a modern-day man who believes roles should be equally shared in a relationship. Having a connection is very important to him, a relationship can be judged in the beginning whether itโ€™s for keeps or not. When Louisโ€™ longest relationship of three years ended, he had no regrets; nor did he harbour any feelings of resentment, because he thoroughly enjoyed his time in the relationship. Going forward Louis hopes to find someone who is caring and will give-of themselves as much he does. An element of surprise is what Louis believes in when thinking about a marriage proposal, heโ€™s clearly playing his card close to his chest.

Louis Ultimate Love

Full NameLouis Ejiofor
Age34 years old (2021)
Place of BirthDelta
Marital statusSingle
OccupationBroadcast content creator

Obichukwu Ultimate Love Profile & Biography | Age, Occupation and Pictures

Obichukwu is one of the contestants/Housemates who put in for the first season of the Ultimate love reality show. He is 33-year-old from Imo State and he is more than just dashingly handsome and suave. He cares for the greater good too, as is evidenced not only by his passion for social work, but also the fact he explicitly mentions what a huge heart he has. When quizzed about what he longs for in a lover, he sums it up poignantly: โ€œA woman who gives me peace.โ€ He reiterates how superficial beauty means nothing if someone isnโ€™t caring and compassionate. Heโ€™s quite conservative and traditional too; preferring to be a provider for his family in addition to being strict and uncompromising about any sexual encounters in the Love Pad.

Obichukwu Ultimate love

Full NameObichukwu
Age33 years old (2021)
Place of BirthImo State
Marital statusSingle
OccupationBusiness man

Michael Ultimate Love Profile & Biography | Age, Occupation and Pictures

Michael is one of the contestants/Housemates who put in for the first season of the Ultimate love reality show. He is revealed he will never compromise on love and believes that ultimate love is finding someone who can complement his life. He believes one has to be selfless, kind and patient in a relationship. His passion for people has burnt his fingers in the past as people took him for granted. His longest relationship ended when his significant other left the country. Michael dusted himself off and is now ready to find someone who can be a ying to his yang. Michaelโ€™s good looks is one of his greatest attributes. Hmm… We wonder if heโ€™s used his looks to get himself out of a sticky situation?

Michael Ultimate Love

Full NameMichael Onyedikachi Ngene
Age30 years old (2021)
Place of BirthEnugu State
Marital statusSingle
OccupationBroadcast Journalist

Bolanle Ultimate Love Profile & Biography | Age, Occupation and Pictures

Bolanle is one of the contestants/Housemates who put in for the first season of the Ultimate love reality show The beautiful Bolanle is not only bubbly and witty but an incredibly multi-talented woman too. With a job resume that runs the gamut from media personality, to production manager and even CEO of an industrial cleaning and fumigation company, itโ€™s clear Bolanle is an accomplished leader with much to offer. The 35-year-old calls Ondo State home and while she loves the vibrance, colour and richness of her culture, she also feels thereโ€™s room for a little modernity and pragmatism when necessary. A public proposal is still an absolute no-no in her books though. She chuckles before expressing that it would be rather โ€œembarrassingโ€. Above all, sheโ€™s looking for someone who is expressive and a solid communicator because, as she puts so perfectly, you can be, โ€œ15 years into a marriage and still be growing and getting to know one another more deeply.”

Bolanle Ultimate Love

Full NameBolanle Oluchi Babalola
Age36 years old (2021)
Place of BirthOndo State
Marital statusSingle
OccupationContent producer, project and Program Manager

Cherry Ultimate Love Profile & Biography | Age, Occupation and Pictures

Cherry is one of the contestants/Housemates who put in for the first season of the Ultimate love reality show. Soft-spoken with kind eyes and a warm smile โ€“ this was the lasting first impression Cherry made on us as she took us through her profile journey. Itโ€™s a perfect match for her career as a medical doctor too, in addition to the entrepreneurial skills in her arsenal.

The Imo State local is a hopeless romantic with a profound appreciation for grand gestures of affection, dancing and the delicious, traditional cuisine of her people. That said, she doesnโ€™t believe in surface level connections like she used to when she was younger. Sheโ€™s ultimately looking for a man who deeply understands her and accepts her as she is – both the good and the bad.

Cherry Ultimate Love

Full NameCherry Adannaya Osigwe
Age31 years old (2021)
Place of BirthImo State
Marital statusSingle
OccupationMedical Doctor

Chris Ultimate Love Profile & Biography | Age, Occupation and Pictures

Chris is one of the contestants/Housemates who put in for the first season of the Ultimate love reality show. This vivacious, soon to be 36-year-old is a cool, collected and assertive brand architect from Abia State. She doesnโ€™t shy away from calling it how she sees it, so itโ€™s little wonder that honesty and realness are things she privileges in a would-be spouse. Donโ€™t let her boldness allow you to mistake her for a rulebreaker though. She confesses that sheโ€™s fiercely traditional and conservative. As such, she embraces African cultural norms of subservience and submission to oneโ€™s husband. In the same vein, brash gestures of love and public spectacle arenโ€™t really all that important to her. She stresses that as long as sheโ€™s in love, sheโ€™s ready to say, โ€œyesโ€ to that life-long commitment.

Chris Ultimate love

Full NameChris Adah
Age36 years old (2021)
Place of BirthAbia State
Marital statusSingle
OccupationBrand architect

Ebiteinye Ultimate Love Profile & Biography | Age, Occupation and Pictures

Ebiteinye is one of the contestants/Housemates who put in for the first season of the Ultimate love reality show. She is a 27-year-old accountant from who believes that love can be found anywhere in an instant. In her quest to find love, her beliefs arenโ€™t clouded and she is ready to take the role of being a supportive partner. Even though money makes the world go around for others, Ebiteinye is looking for more than that. Sheโ€™s looking for attention and care.

Ebiteinye Ultimate Love

Full NameEbiteinye Juliet Tony
Age27 years old (2021)
Place of BirthBayelsa State
Marital statusSingle

Jenny Koko Ultimate Love Profile & Biography | Age, Occupation and Pictures

Jenny Koko is one of the contestants/Housemates who put in for the first season of the Ultimate love reality show. Young at heart and full of joy, 27-year-old Jenny Koko is not short on love for herself and is particularly in love with her height as well as her penchant for kindness. The fabrics trader from Rivers State considers respect the most important aspect of a relationship and totally believes in love at first sight. Culture ranks high on her priority list so that’s the one thing you’re certain she won’t waiver on. Jenny Koko also carries an interesting secret as she previously received a proposal from a suitor but her father declined after realising her beau was way too old for her in his opinion. Now Jenny Koko is out to give love another try on Ultimate Love and would absolutely adore a nice, intimate proposal to capture her heart.

Jenny Ultimate Love

Full NameJenny Koko
Age27 years old (2021)
Place of BirthRivers State
Marital statusSingle
OccupationFabrics seller

Meriton Ultimate Love Profile & Biography | Age, Occupation and Pictures

Meriton ultimate love Biography

Meriton is one of the love guest/contestants/Housemates who put in for the first season of the Ultimate love reality show. He was introduced into the show on the second week of the show.

If there’s one lady who knows exactly what she wants, it’s Meriton! The beauty view on the ultimate union, it’s made up of two imperfect people coming together to make perfection. Will one of the gents sweep her off her feet?

“Two imperfect people coming together to make perfection” Yaaaas Meriton! The latest Love Guest has a beautiful view on matters of the heart.

Who do you think she will pair with?

Full NameMeriton Bassey Iton
Age33 years (2021)
Place of BirthUndisclosed
Place of residenceUndisclosed
Marital statusSingle
OccupationFashion Enthusiast, Model Economist

Nkechi Ultimate Love Profile & Biography | Age, Occupation and Pictures

Nkechi is one of the contestants/Housemates who put in for the first season of the Ultimate love reality show. Want to win over Nkechi? The formula is simple: surprise her! The 29-year-old marketing executive hails from Anambra State and absolutely adores receiving gifts of all kinds including flowers, accessories and more. She views herself as a strong willed woman who recently left a relationship that spanned a decade. She wants people to state their intentions and make them crystal clear as mixed signals won’t fly here. Now with her heart ready to write a new love story, Nkechi is searching for a lifelong partner to give her all.

Nkechi Ultimate Love

Full NameNkechi Maureen Agbah
Age30 years old (2021)
Place of BirthAnambra State
Marital statusSingle
OccupationMarketing executive

Rosie Ultimate Love Profile & Biography | Age, Occupation and Pictures

Rosie is one of the contestants/Housemates who put in for the first season of the Ultimate love reality show. Can you give Rosie good communication, understanding, respect and trust? The 35-year-old teacher can school you on love, as her longest relationship spanned a respectable 12 years! The Ogun State native is never short on smiles with her dream proposal happening on the beach in the middle of a dreamy sunset. Love at first sight to her means more than the physical and is determined by whether she feels a meaningful connection with a person. The one thing she wonโ€™t compromise on though is hooking up with a suitor before she feels totally safe and secure that they wonโ€™t take her on a fruitless ride.

Rosie Ultimate Love

Full NameRosemary Afuwape
Age36 years old (2021)
Place of BirthOgun State
Marital statusSingle

Theresa Ultimate Love Profile & Biography | Age, Occupation and Pictures

Theresa is one of the contestants/Housemates who put in for the first season of the Ultimate love reality show. Theresa has the look of a model and the mind of a doctor as sheโ€™s currently an optometrist. She believes in traditional roles in a relationship but not to an extent where the man mistreats a woman. Theresa is a private person and believes that if anyone is to propose to her, it should happen behind closed doors. The only time she craves attention is from her partner in a relationship and the more attention she receives, the more loved up she feels. Will 26-year-old Theresa find someone who speaks her love language in the Love Pad? Well, let’s find out, shall we?

Theresa Ultimate Love

Full NameTheresa Ifeoma Ugorji
Age24 years old (2021)
Place of BirthImo State
Marital statusSingle

How to Vote on Ultimate Love Nigeria (2020)

The Ultimate Love Nigeria reality TV show features people who are single and looking for a serious relationship. The show was organized to help individuals find the love of their life. This reality show is not for opportunist; this is real life! Participants have to be honest and true about what they want in a partner and also be honest about themselves.

Ultimate Love Nigeria Audition

The Ultimate Love Nigeria audition for the live show has ended on November 30th, 2019.ย  Interested applicants were invited to apply to the show by uploading a one-minute video saying what they can offer and why they should be in the show. Applicants must be from Nigeria and must be 23 years or older by February, 2020.

The Online Audition Form is detailed so that the organizers can get a more rounded and fuller picture of applicants and their needs. Please all applicants are advised to answer all questions on the form fully and honestly. The organizers are not trying to catch you out and all information given is completely confidential. They want to know applicantโ€™s unique personality, the specifications of what applicants are looking for in a partner, applicantโ€™s interests, likes and dislikes as well their best qualities that attract people to them.

Applicants are required to upload a short video (up to 1 minute) about themselves and why they should be considered for this show. Applicants are also required to upload these images of themselves: Headshot, Full Body, Active, Friends/Family.

Ultimate Love Nigeria Live Show 2020

The Ultimate Love Nigeria reality show is scheduled to commence on February 9th, 2020. The show will feature 16 strangers in one house for 8 weeks. Viewers will be required to vote their favourite participant weekly for the duration of 8 weeks. At the end of * weeks, the participant with the highest votes will emerge winner. The ultimate price for the winner not been announced yet.

How to Watch Ultimate Love Nigeria TV Show

The ultimate love reality show will be aired on DSTV channel 198. The channel is available on the DSTV family bouquet with the sum of N4,000 naira only. You can also watch it on GOTV channel 29 which is available on the GOTV Plus package available at the cost of N1,900 naira only.

Ultimate Love Nigeria Live Streaming

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4 years ago

I love this bb naija

4 years ago

Let’s us enjoy watching ultimates housemates when the are sleeping
