Ultimate Love Nomination for Week 4 (Round 2) – Couples Up for Check out/Eviction

The Ultimate Love Nigeria reality TV show has entered its 4th week and the couples are faced with another task of nominating couples they want to evict/check out from the show. This is the second (round 2) nomination in the show.

The first round nomination in the show brought about the eviction of the first couple Micherry which got the least pf the viewer’s votes. This week have seen another round of nominations. Here is the ultimate love nomination list for week 4 (round 2

Ultimate Love Week 4 Nomination

Ultimate Love week 4 Nomination 2

As expected on the Live Show tonight, the Love Couples were required to write down their Nominated Couple names on their individual Nomination Cards. After which they orderly put the Cards in the Nomination Box.

Each couple nominated two couples for eviction from the show come next week.

Nomination result for week 4

Here is the result of the nomination from today’s Ultimate Love Live show.
Ultimate Love Week 4 (Round 2) Nomination
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