Week 8 Ultimate Love Final Vote Results (Winner & Runner Up)

The Ultimate Love reality show votes for the final has ended and results have been compiled awaiting the declaration of the winner in the Sunday Grand Final show. Five couples made it to the final of the Ultimate Love season 1 reality show. The couples are BOLAR, CHIVIA, DOUBLECHRIS, IYKERESA and ROKSIE. A winner will be announced officially on Sunday live show. However, we will provide you with the detailed result of this week voting for the Ultimate Couple.

What Viewers Searched For:

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Ultimate Love Prize for the Winner

In the past weeks, I have received entries from my readers requesting that I list the prize for the winner of the Ultimate Love reality show. In view of this, I will list the prizes for the winner of the ultimate Love reality show. There are two prizes for the winner of the show:

  1. An all-expense paid wedding: The couple that will emerge as the winner of the show will be given a fully sponsored wedding organized by Multi Choice company.
  2. Fully Furnished Apartment: Winner of the show will also get a gift prize of a fully furnished house in Lagos where they will stay after the wedding ceremony.
  3. Endorsement Deals: Though this is optional, winner of the show is likely to get different endorsement deals from different sponsors and brands.

Other couples that made it to the final will also get gifts from Aunty and also portmanteaus. They are still sure of endorsement deals immediately they leave the love pad.

Β Ultimate Love Week 8 Final Vote Results

After the Wednesday evening eviction show that saw two couples get evicted (OBIEBI and PRESHDAVID), five couples made it to the final of the reality show. Please note that we will only reveal the vote percentage on Sunday final show. The result of the votes for the week 8 of the love show is shown below:

The Ultimate Couple

From the results above, ROKSIE (Kachi and Rosie) got the highest number of votes from viewers and have emerged winner of the Ultimate Love reality show season 1. Congratulation to them.


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4 years ago

This program ultimate love,is so fantastic,it teaches a lot,above all I really appreciate all those who participated in the program.
