Ultimate Love Winner Tonight | Watch Final Show

The Ultimate love reality show has entered its final stages where viewers will be called upon to vote their favourite ultimate love couples and choose who will remain in the Love Pad (house).

Here are the Ultimate Love Guests/Contestants

  1. Arnold
  2. Bolanle
  3. Cherry (Evicted in week 3)
  4. Chris
  5. David Wilson
  6. Ebiteinye
  7. Iyke
  8. Jay
  9. Jenny Koko
  10. Jerry
  11. Kachi
  12. Louis
  13. Michael (Evicted in week 3)
  14. Nkechi
  15. Obichukwu
  16. Presh Talker
  17. Rosie
  18. Sylvia
  19. Theresa
  20. Chris Ville
  21. Chiddy Bankz
  22. Meriton

Sunday Final Live Show Today 29th March, 2020

Ultimate Love Sunday Final Live Show Today 29th March, 2020 (Week 8)

Ultimate Love Final

Welcome to the grand finale of the Ultimate Love Show. Currently there are five(5) couples who made it to the final of the Show Among this couples, one will be declared winner from the number of votes received from viewers all over the world. The Price for the winner of the show is an all-expense paid wedding and a fully furnished apartment in Lagos. The couples and their pictures are shown below.

ROKSIE (Rosie and Kachi)


IYKERESA (Iyke and Theresa)


BOLAR (Arnold and Bolanle)


CHIVIA (Chiddy Bankz and Sylvia)

DOUBLECHRIS (Chris Ville and Chris)

DoubleChris Ultimate love

Among the finalist, only one couple will win the price of a well-furnished house in Lagos and all-expense paid wedding ceremony. However, other couples will get gift prices and partnership deals.

Ultimate Love Evicted Couples

The names of couples that were evicted and could not make it to the Ultimate Love reality show final is shown below.

  • MICHERRY(Michael and Cherry) – Week 3
  • JERITON (Jerry and Meriton) – Week 4
  • JELO (Louis and Jenny Koko) – Week 5
  • JAYKECH (Jay and Nkechi) – Week 6
  • OBIEBI (Obichukwu and Ebiteinye) – Week 7
  • PRESHDAVID (David Wilson and Presh Talker) – Week 7

Ultimate Love Week 8 Final Vote Results

After the Wednesday evening eviction show that saw two couples get evicted (OBIEBI and PRESHDAVID), five couples made it to the final of the reality show. Please note that we have revealed the vote percentage in the result. The result of the votes for the week 8 of the love show is shown below:

CHIVIA’S Eviction

Wednesday Live Show 25th March, 2020

Ultimate Love Wednesday Live Show Today 25th March, 2020 (Week 7)

Due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, the organizers have decided to join the fight against the spread of the virus. This has prompted the rescheduling of the grand finale for Sunday, 29th 2020. Due to this development, an eviction show was organized for Wednesday 25th March. In this show, two couples got evicted.

Ultimate Love Week 7 Eviction

Obichukwu and Ebiteinye of OBIEBI and David Wilson and Presh Talker of PRESHDAVID of Ultimate Love Couple have been evicted from the Ultimate love show from the results of the week 6 (Round 4) voting polls. Their eviction came as they got the least number of votes from viewers after their nomination for possible eviction.

The result of the Ultimate Love week 6 voting for couples nominated for possible eviction this week is out. However, before the results will be revealed, here is a recap from last Sunday’s live nomination show.


Ultimate Love Couple Remaining in the Show

The list of Ultimate Love Couples that are left in the show as at week 6.

  • Bolar
  • Chivia
  • DoubleChris
  • Iykeresa
  • Obiebi
  • Preshdavid (Evicted this week)
  • Roksie

In last Sunday live show, couples were called upon to nominate two couples each for possible eviction from the Ultimate Love reality show. The following couples got the highest nominations


The five couples went into the voting polls where viewers are given the privilege to vote for their favourite couple to avoid eviction from the show. The result of the voting polls is shown below.

Ultimate Love Week 7 Vote Result / Ranking /Percentage

Kindly note that the result percentage will not be revealed until the end of the show. We will only reveal the vote ranking for each couple. The Ultimate Love week 6 vote result is shown below.

Ultimate Love Week 7 result ranking

  • ROKSIE – 1st Position
  • IYKERESA – 2nd Position
  • DOUBLECHRIS– 3rd Position
  • PRESHDAVID – 4th Position
  • OBIEBI – 5th Position

From the result above, OBIEBI and PRESHDAVID got the least number of votes from the viewers and therefore have been evicted from the show.

Ultimate Love Evicted Couples this Week

The Ultimate Love couple OBIEBI (Obichukwu and Ebiteinye) and PRESHDAVID (David Wilson and Presh Talker) have been evicted from the show.

OBIEBI Evicted

The Portmanteaus

Saying Goodbye


OBIEBI eviction, Ultimate Love result, Ultimate Love week 7 result, OBIEBI eviction, Who got evicted today, Ultimate Love vote result, Ultimate Love vote percentage, Ultimate Love evicted couple today, Ultimate Love week 7 vote ranking, PRESHDAVID eviction.

Sunday Live Show 22nd March, 2020

Ultimate Love Sunday Live Show Today 22nd March, 2020 (Week 6)

Welcome to the Ultimate Love Week 6 Sunday live show. Today’s show promises to be exciting as we will be seeing some shocking eviction(s) and nominations. Four Ultimate love couples are nominated for possible eviction from the show today. Let us wait and see who will be viewers favourite through the votes.

As at today, there are eight couples remaining in the show. They are:

  1. BOLAR

Before we continue, let’s see a recap from last Sunday’s nomination. Five couples got the highest nominations for eviction. They are


Bolar was saved after the Monday game leaving four couples up for eviction today.

Ultimate Love Week 6 Vote Result/Ranking

The result from the week 6 vote by viewers for their favourite couples nominated for eviction is show below.

From the vote this week, JAYKECH (Jay and Nkechi) got the least/lowest number of votes and have been evicted from the show.

Jaykech ultimate love eviction


Ultimate Love Week 7 Nominations 2020

The last 7 couples were called upon to nominate couples they wish to evict from the show come on next week Sunday live show. Here are the nominations.

Ultimate Love Week 7 Nomination Result 2020

This is there result of the ultimate love couple and those that got the highest nominations.

Couples up for Eviction this Week (Week 7)


Ultimate Love Eviction Today (Week 5) March 15th, 2020

The Ultimate Love reality show has entered the 6th week and in today’s Sunday live show, result from the voting polls by viewers will be revealed. In last Sundays live show, couples nominated two couples each for eviction this week.

Here is a recap from last Sunday’s live show. The nominations from last week is shown in the table below.Ultimate Love Week 5 (Round 3) Nominations Result.

Couples Up for eviction this week

Here are the couples with the highest number of nominations. They will therefore go into the voting polls to be saved by viewers.

  • Bolar
  • Chivia
  • Jelo
  • Roksie

Ultimate Love Week 5 (Round) Voting Result Today | Ranking & Percentage

From the nomination result from last week, Bolar, Chivia, Jelo and Roksie were nominated for possible eviction from the show this week. See Ultimate Love week 5 voting result from viewers below.

  • Roksie – !st
  • Bolar – 2nd
  • Chivia – 3rd
  • Jelo – 4th

Jelo Evicted

Note that the voting percentage will not be revealed until the end of the show.

Jelo got the least number of votes from viewers this week and have been evicted from the show.

The Portmanteau game

One might say they lost this game of luck for retaining their portmanteau – in this game, they received a sum of a hundred thousand Naira (N100,000) and would have gone home with three hundred thousand Naira if they had picked a different portmanteau.

Don’t worry guys, it’s not about the money but the love. On this note, we wish the Couple a beautiful love journey ahead with cupid.

JELO’s Ultimate Love Journey

Ultimate Love Week 6 (Round 4 Nominations)

Micherry (Michael and Cherry), Jeriton (Jerry and Meriton) and Jelo (Louis and Jenny Koko) have been evicted from the show. Here is the Nomination for this week.

Ultimate Love Nomination Result (Week 6)

This the results of couples and how many times they were nominated this week.

Ultimate Love week 6 Nomination result

Couples Up for Eviction This Week (Week 6)


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Ultimate Love Week 5 Result, Ultimate love voting result, Ultimate love eviction today, Ultimate love round 3 result, Ultimate love evicted couple this week, Ultimate love evicted couple today, Ultimate love vote result with percentage.

Ultimate Love Eviction Today (Week 4) March 8th, 2020

Welcome to the Ultimate Love week 5 Sunday live show. Last week, the Ultimate Love couples were once again required to nominate two couples each which will go into the voting stage to avoid eviction from the show. From the Nominations, only Iykeresa and Preshdavid that didn’t get nominated. However, Jaykech was saved by aunty after their participation in the Monday game.

Each couple nominated two couples for eviction from the show. The nominations are

Ultimate Love Week 4 Voting Result/Ranking and Percentage

Your Ultimate Love voting results for week 4 in order of highest to lowest votes are as follows:

  1. Roksie
  2. Bolar
  3. Chivia
  4. Doublechris
  5. Obiebi
  6. Jelo
  7. Jeriton

Ultimate love Week 4 vote ranking

Jeriton (Jerry and Meriton) got the least number of votes and have been evicted from the show.

Please note that the voting percentages from the entire season will only be released on 5 April 2020 after the winning couple has been announced.

Ultimate Love Week 4 (round 2) Voting Result

This is how viewers voted for their favourite Ultimate Love couples

Who got Evicted Today (JERITON)?

Here is the couple with the least number of viewers vote and have therefore been evicted.

JERITON (Jerry and Meriton) got the least number of votes from the viewers and have been evicted.


Portmanteau Favors

Luck fell on Jeriton as they declined the new portmanteau offered to them on the Live Show and decided to go home with the portmanteau given to them in the Love Pad. Their decision got them a whopping reward of six hundred thousand Naira (N6000,000) cash, courtesy Aunty.

Jeriton’s Journey

Despite having coupled up quite late, Jeriton tried their very best.

After hearing that they are Checked Out, a visibly shaken Meriton confessed to the Host, Oluwaseun: “I’m not feeling okay but it’s okay so I’ll be fine.”

And while it wasn’t a popular choice, Jerry continued to be honest on stage: “I like Meriton, I like her spirit I like her vibe. She’s a good person. And I enjoy her company. And like I said to Aunty, I don’t want to fake anything. I want it to come from within. And I want it to be real because we are talking about the future. And it takes two people to mingle, it has to be mutual. And I kind of respect the fact that she opened up to me from the first day we met and when we went on our Monday mission so we are kind of on the same page with the way we feel about each other. For me she is my very good friend which I will love to know better.”

Ultimate Love Week 5 (Round 3) Nominations.

Here is how the couples nominated this week.

Ultimate Love Week 5 (Round 3) Nominations Result.

week 5 nomination

Couples Up for eviction this week

Here are the couples with the highest number of nominations. They will therefore go into the voting polls to be saved by viewers.

  • Bolar
  • Chivia
  • Jelo
  • Roksie

Ultimate Love Eviction Today (Week 3) March 1st, 2020

The result for the Ultimate love week 3 voting polls for couples placed on possible eviction is out. In last Sunday’s live show, the couples in the love pad nominated two couples they wish to be evicted from the show.

The couples nominated were place on eviction list and they can only be saved through voting by viewers. Here is the result of the Nomination.

Ultimate Love Eviction Today (Week 3) February 23rd, 2020

During today’s Ultimate Love live check out show, each couple was required to nominate two couples for possible eviction. The nominated couples with the highest nominations will be place on eviction.

Viewers will be required to vote their favourite couples among the nominated couples. Couples which emerged with the highest number of votes will remain in the show while couples with least number of votes will be evicted from the show come next week Sunday live show.

Aunty issued a blank card where each couples will write its name and the names of two couples they are nominating for eviction. After nomination, the couples will place the card in the nomination box where the presenter will take the card and read it out for confirmation by the couples.

Ultimate Love 3 New Couples Swapping and Pairing

The 3 new guest/contestants added to the show on Friday 21st February, 2020 will now reveal which of the love guest they are connected with and willing to pair with to form an Ultimate Love couple. The names of the 3 new ultimate love guest are:

  • Chris Ville
  • Chiddy Bankz and
  • Meriton

*Chris Ville has revealed that he will pair with Chris

*Chiddy Bankz Ville has revealed that he will pair with Sylvia

*Meriton has revealed that he will pair with Jerry.

Ultimate Love 3 New Guest Couples name

Jerry and Sylvia formerly known as JERVIA swapped partners and here is their new couple’s name

  1. Jerry and Meriton (couple name JERITON)
  2. Chiddy and Sylvia (couple name Chivia)
  3. Chris Ville and Chris (couple name ChrisChris)

Ultimate love Nomination Today (Week 2)

The couples were given the opportunity to swap partners but instead the following couples chose to stay together. The couples were then asked to nominate two couples for eviction. The nominations was read out by the presenter Dakore. Here are the couples’ nominations.

  1. IYKERESA (Iyke and Theresa) Nominated CHIVIA and JERITON
  2. MICHERRY (Michael and Cherry) Nominated CHIVIA and JERITON
  3. JAYKECH (Jay and Nkechi) Nominated CHIVIA and JERITON0
  4. BOLAR (Arnold and Bolanle) Nominated PRESHDAVID and OBIEBI
  5. OBIEBI (Obichukwu and Ebiteinye) Nominated PRESHDAVID and CHRISCHRIS
  6. CHRISCHRIS (Chris Ville and Chris) Nominated CHIVIA and IYKERESA
  7. JELO (Louis and Jenny Koko) nominated OBIEBI and MICHERRY
  8. CHIVIA (Chiddy and Sylvia) nominated JERITON and PRESHDAVID
  9. JERITON (Jerry and Meriton) nominated MICHERRY and IYKERESA
  10. ROKSIE (Kachi and Rosie) nominated PRESHDAVID and JERITON
  11. PRESHDAVID (David Wilson and Presh Talker) Nominated OBIEBI and CHIVIA

Ultimate Love Nomination Result (Week 2)

Here is the ultimate Love nomination result.

  1. IYKERESA (Iyke and Theresa) –————2 Nominations
  2. MICHERRY (Michael and Cherry) –——-2 Nominations
  3. JAYKECH (Jay and Nkechi) – —————0 Nomination
  4. BOLAR (Arnold and Bolanle) –———— 0 Nomination
  5. OBIEBI (Obichukwu and Ebiteinye) ——3 Nominations
  6. CHRISCHRIS (Chris Ville and Chris) ——-0 Nomination
  7. JELO (Louis and Jenny Koko) —————0 Nomination
  8. CHIVIA (Chiddy and Sylvia) —————–5 Nominations
  9. JERITON (Jerry and Meriton) ————– 5 Nominations
  10. ROKSIE (Kachi and Rosie) ——————-0 Nomination
  11. PRESHDAVID (David Wilson and Presh Talker) – 4 Nominations

Ultimate Love Couples Up for Eviction (Week 2)

The following couples got the highest number of nominations from the nomination show. This couples will now go into the ultimate love voting phase were viewers will vote their favourite couples to remain in the show.

  1. CHIVIA (Chiddy and Sylvia) —————–5 Nominations
  2. JERITON (Jerry and Meriton) ————– 5 Nominations
  3. PRESHDAVID (David Wilson and Presh Talker) – 4 Nominations
  4. OBIEBI (Obichukwu and Ebiteinye) ——3 Nominations
  5. IYKERESA (Iyke and Theresa) –————2 Nominations
  6. MICHERRY (Michael and Cherry) –——-2 Nominations

Voting will commence on Tuesday 25th February to Thursday 27th February, 2020.

Ultimate Love Eviction Today (Week 1) February 16th, 2020

Guests that are placed on eviction will go into the Ultimate Love voting polls and only those with the highest number of votes will be allowed to remain in the house. Guest with least number of votes will be evicted from the Ultimate Love show.

However, voting is yet to commence and the love guest are still getting to know themselves better and choosing a partner they get connected with.

Here’s the highlight of Sunday’s live show.

After some private sessions with Aunty which you can view exclusively here, our Love Guests Nominated the people they wanted to pursue forever with before getting Coupled up. Possibly the biggest shock of the night was David Wilson coupling up with Presh Talker instead of Rosie who he’d been quite close and intimate with for most of the week. They even shared a passionate kiss. It was clear immediately that she was devasted by the betrayal.

Ultimate Love Couples and Names

The first seven Couples paired up by Aunty accoriding to their wishes were;

  1. Bolanle and Arnold – BOLAR
  2. Iyke and Theresa – IYKERESA
  3. Cherry and Michael – MICHERRY
  4. David Wilson and Presh Talker – PRESHDAVID
  5. Louis and Theresa – JELO
  6. Obichukwu and Ebiteinye – OBIEBI
  7. Nkechi and Jay – JAYKECH

This left six Love Guests in the Love Pad who now had to compose themselves and make some difficult decisions in just five minutes. Ultimately, everyone elected to stay and not Checkout giving us our final three couples.

  1. Jerry and Sylvia – JERVIA
  2. Rosie and Kachi – ROKSIE
  3. Chris and Uche – CHRISUCH

Ultimate Love Nomination (Week 1)

That said, the evening’s pressures were far from over as our Love Guests now had to publicly Nominate two of the newly formed couples for Checkout. Here’s a complete breakdown of how everyone voted.

  1. MICHERRY Nominated: ChrisUch and Jervia
  2. CHRISUCH Nominated: PhreshDavid and Micherry
  3. PRESHDAVID Nominated: ChrisUch and ObiEbi
  4. JAYKECH Nominated: ChrisUch and PreshDavid
  5. JERVIA Nominated: ChrisUch and PreshDavid
  6. IYKERESA Nominated: ChrisUch and Jervia
  7. ROKSIE Nominated: PreshDavid and Jervia
  8. OBIEBI Nominated: PreshDavid and Jervia
  9. JELO Nominated: ChrisUch and Jervia
  10. BOLAR Nominated: ChrisUch and Jervia

Ultimate Love Nomination Result (week 1)

The following couples got the highest number of nominations and would therefore go into Aunty,s world challenge where one couple will be saved while the remaining two will go into public vote.


PreshDavid ——————– 6

Jervia —————————- 5

Aunty’s World Challenge

Aunty later entered the Love Pad to confirm that ChrisUch, PreshDavid and Jervia had the most Nominations of all the Couples and that she’d be sending ChrisUch & PreshDavid on her Real World Challenge the next day (Monday). The couple that worked best together would then be saved while the two who didn’t fair so well would go up for the public vote alongside Jervia. In a move that shocked everyone, Uche suddenly declared that he wanted to Checkout and wasn’t happy with the “environment” anymore. Aunty had to remind him that he hadn’t seized the oppotunity to do so during the Live Show then asked him to sleep on it before they deliberate in the morning so as not to do anything rash.

There were also several shocking exchanges and emotional breakdowns in the aftermath of the Nominations show so make sure to read all about that right here on our site. Which Couples are most in love right now?

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