Ultimate Love Couples One-on-One Session with Aunty (Week 3)

Just a day after the week 2 nomination of couples for eviction, the couples had one on one session with Aunty. This is their first Couple sessions with Aunty as she was trying to gauge their progress, two weeks after being paired.

There might be a thing or two that our Love Couples arenโ€™t comfortable with in their partners but thatโ€™s just a small hurdle theyโ€™re willing to overcome as they journey towards writing their love stories.

They voiced this as they explained how being in the Love Pad was already a hurdle on its own because itโ€™s a space co-shared. However, more than anything, theyโ€™re open to learn, grow and listen to one another and allow love to bind their hearts. Here is the conversation of each couple with Aunty.


According to ObiEbi, isolating themselves from other Love Guests isnโ€™t intentional but itโ€™s something that will make them stronger. They also acknowledge that Obichukwu is seen as controlling by other Love Guests but in his defence, itโ€™s all about protecting Ebiteinye because she opens herself up completely to others.

They both agree that the past two weeks have been fulfilling and revealing at the same time. Going forward, they want to learn about each other and learn to tolerate the things they donโ€™t like.


Jaykech are still trying to navigate the challeneges of being held up in the Love Pad and trying to focus on getting to know each other. When asked what she likes about Nkechi, he replied: โ€œSheโ€™s a nice person and I take my take my time and monitor her movements and sheโ€™s ticking all the boxesโ€ฆI also love her intelligence.โ€


After ironing out a few issues the Couple is on a journey to discover themselves. Spending time alone in the Love Nest was a blessing as theyโ€™re now know the importance of communication. They consider one another before taking any decisions in the Love Pad and beyond.


โ€œThe way he loves me is uniqueโ€, Rosie told Aunty before admitting that she almost lost her blessing because she was focused on the pain she experienced with David Wilson. However, after forgiveness and letting go, she found happiness and is giving Love another try. Kachi reciprocated her words and added that sheโ€™s an understanding woman.


Micherryโ€™s love story doesnโ€™t get old and the Couple looks happy in each otherโ€™s presence. Laughter and jokes were the main component in their session with Aunty. However, they did mention that theyโ€™re still trying to navigate their way and whenever thereโ€™s a disagreement, they try to understand where the other person comes from.


Though there hasnโ€™t been kisses and cuddles yet, DoubleChris are certain of where they see themselves in the future and thatโ€™s in the presence of each other. They told Aunty that their love connection still needs nurturing and theyโ€™re rushing nowhere. After pointing out what they like about each other, they sealed Auntyโ€™s session with a hug.

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