Ultimate Love Coupleโ€™s One-on-One Session with Aunty (Week 5)

The Ultimate Love guest were once again given the privilege to speak with aunty about their relationship and issues. Hereโ€™s what each couple told Aunty.

OBIEBI One-on-One Session with Aunty

ObiEbi both wrote to Aunty asking to get Checked Out of the Love Pad yesterday. Aunty picked them first to hash out what was happening and ask if they wanted to leave. They chose to stay and work on their issues but it was a heavy session to watch as they bared their hearts.

Ebi is frustrated with Obi judging her harshly and jumping to conclusions instead of communicating effectively and trying to accept her as she is. Obi feels she treats him like he’s trying to be perfect when he’s only trying to help.

OBIEBI One-on-One Session with Aunty

They are struggling to resolve conflict without things flaring up and Obi threatening to leave. Aunty took a moment to process everything then gave them some SOLID advice. She asked if they both wanted to make it work and they agreed. She then asked them to pause during conflict and ask,ย  “Do I want to be right or do I want to spend time with this person? Be mould-able and ready to compromise.”

Lastly, she urged them to be Christian and allow their minds and hearts to be transformed so they can learn how to love each other right.

CHIVIA One-on-One Session with Aunty

It’s all good vibes and lots of laughter and smiles for Chivia. Aunty even remarked on how Sylvia’s basically been giggling and blushing since Chiddy Bankz entered the Love Pad. While they were both certain they have nothing they dislike about each other they did weigh in on their deal breakers.

For Chiddy, it was not being able to be the kind of man Sylvia needed as far as providing for her needs is concerned. The “Bankz” in his name, he says, is a sign of good things to come and it doesn’t hurt that his bae doesn’t mind the finer things in life either. On Sylvia’s end, she made it clear cheating and physical abuse would put an end to everything.

CHIVIA One-on-One Session with Aunty

What also stood out were the attributes that make them crazy about each other because of the symbiosis these create. For Chiddy Bankz it’s all about how open, expressive and vivacious Sylvia is. He thus relishes in her happiness while Sylvia says she loves a man who keeps her smiling and upbeat because negative vibes are not something she’s trying to deal with. Can you say perfect match?

BOLAR One-on-One Session with Aunty

Bolar were in really good spirits after initially reeling from Sunday’s Nomination show which saw them accumulate six votes. Bolanle now says she understands that they are a strong couple and there’s probably a move to eliminate the competition. With that settled, Aunty was curious to find out what traits they dislike about each other.

Some familiar topics came up. Arnold joked about calling her, “Pepper Body” given her firey temper and said she’s generally a poor listener. To that, Bolanle said she felt like he won’t let her express herself fully. She also thinks he has a tendency to only listen to her point of view when someone else has relayed it back.

BOLAR One-on-One Session with Aunty

This trend continued when the issue of exes came up. Both of them are cool with their former flames so they candidly shared what they missed. For Arnold it was (SURPRISE) that they were very good listeners while Bolanle spoke of Timmy, who was patient and gentle while accepting her as she was.

Seeing a pattern here? So did Aunty, who observed that they weren’t actually on different wavelengths, just eager to be acknowledged and listened to. “You already have the framework” she explained. She also cautioned that sometimes the thing you love most about your partner can annoy too and this was the case here.

IYKERESA One-on-One Session with Aunty

Iykeresa got candid with Aunty about how they’re navigating life in the Pad. They noted how everyone was always worrying about them on account of their age but they felt they were strong and appreciate the love of the fans which keeps them going.

Things got a bit tense when Theresa revealed a secret that Iyke hadn’t heard yet. She has a man who’s a bit of a hanger-on owing to the fact that a Church leader told him she is her soulmate. She wanted Iyke to know in case he pulls up and starts making false claims.

Iykeresa One-on-One Session with Aunty

Iyke also recounted some highlights from a relationship with a former lover. However, when he said, “I miss the love. “Theresa took offense, interrupted and exclaimed, “Really?”. Aunty had to step in and remind her the purpose of the exercise was to establish what they wanted out of their union going forward.

For Theresa, she said the highlight was being a trophy girlfriend and deeply adored, something Iyke seems to be getting right. Aunty them reminded them they had work to do but commended them both for fulfilling each other’s needs already.

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