Ultimate Love Result & Percentage for Week 4 (Round 2) Voting – Evicted Couples / Checked Out
As the show progresses to the fifth week, viewers once again voted for their favourite couples placed on eviction from last week Sunday live show for week 4.
A total of 8 couples got at least two nominations which placed them on possible eviction from the show. The couples are Roksie, Chivia, Obiebi, Jaykech, Jelo, Jeriton, DoubleChris and Bolar. Jaykech was saved by aunty and was therefore removed from the nomination list. Viewers commenced voting from Tuesday to Thursday and the results of the votes are currently out. Here is the nomination.
Ultimate Love Week 4 Nomination
As expected on the Live Show tonight, the Love Couples were required to write down their Nominated Couple names on their individual Nomination Cards. After which they orderly put the Cards in the Nomination Box.
Each couple nominated two couples for eviction from the show. The nominations are
Nomination result for week 4

I don’s think this result am seen about Obiebi is true, cos I expected their pecentage to be mor than this.
this is the voting poll organised by this website. this is not the official results